My Fluvel 105 Is Really Loud Please Help


New Member
Feb 23, 2011
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Hi all, I have recently installed a 105 on my ten gallon and I've shaken all the air out and its still way to loud this is a problem as the filter is in my bedroom and is keeping me up and I have to turn it off at night. I was wandering is there was anything I could try to get it to be quiet.
Any help or advise is appreciated
Are you SURE all of the air was out? How long did you run it for before you decided all the air was out? And also did you give it a good shake/tip around to make sure any air bubbles worked their way out. It can sometimes take a few days to get properly air free.

Is it brand new or second hand? If it's second hand then check the propeller is clean, if there is any grit or sand or anything in there then that could make a noise. And anything resisiting the propeller (ie. dirt) will make the motor run harder and probably louder.

What sort of noice would you describe it as?
Quite sure the air is out but the noise its makeing doesn't sound like trapped air at least I don't think it does it sounds like a buzzing sound and its brand new
Well if it's brand new and it's more of a buzzing sound then all I can say is give it a few days of continuous use and see if you get used to it/if it settles down.

And if at all possible see if you can find another one at a fish shop or similar to compare yours too... cause the noise is either normal/isn't normal. But you wont know without actually hearing one someone else has set up.

If it isn't working correctly you can get it replaced under warranty though. :)
By buzzing do you mean it sounds like the impeller is hitting something? or do you mean the vibrations just sound louder than they should?

My 205 took a while to bed in and after that it was pretty much silent for ever after. If its the impeller thing, turn it off for a couple of minutes and give the priming handle a couple of pumps (think you get one on the 105?) then turn it back on.
I guess I mean the vibration is louder than it should be I've just unplugged it and ill do what you said. Do you think it will become silent in a few days? Thanks for the help guys it is much appreciated
If you think it's purely just louder than acceptable then it should calm down in the next week or so whilst it beds itself in.
Okay thanks ill give it a week or so and if I have no luck ill try and let you know if you dont mind and when you say beds itself in what do you mean? Sorry to sound stupid
Okay thanks ill give it a week or so and if I have no luck ill try and let you know if you dont mind and when you say beds itself in what do you mean? Sorry to sound stupid

Kind of like a car engine, where the moving parts need to reach their full potential by minor wearing away and tuning.
The Fluval 05 range is the best, it's not allowed to have a fault in an item! It's a law made by me. :shifty:
Okay I understand now thanks for the help

The Fluval 05 range is the best, it's not allowed to have a fault in an item! It's a law made by me. :shifty:
Overall I am very pleased with the filter it has made the water crystal clear within hours just this noise that's my one fault but ill be patient and hope for the best

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