My fishy


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
Well after being on this forum for a while i have started likeing bettas and finally bought one today. I have been looking around for the right one and finally got one. he is a combtail or a crowntail and is kind of metalic navy blue mixed with purple and copper and he has a white stripe on the two (forget the names) front fins. He is very healthy except for a possible split tail but i cannot tell if it is just where his tail ends. I have been checking the little bowls for a wahile at my lfs for cts but the have only had veiltails he was the only ct i have seen in anystores. He only cost me 2.99 too very happy. i put him in my 1 gallon goldfish bowl. any name ideas are gladly welcome. The good thing about the bettas at my lfs is that they r not kept in tiny cups but very small class bowls and cubicles with a bunch of bamboo. all advice and names are welcome

thank you
hes a crowntail not a comb and he does not have a split in his tail he only has minor fungal infections throughout his tail. I didn't have any betta food so i bought the tetra min "good for bettas" and he seems to hate it. he also doesn't seem to like fd bloodworms. what food do all of you use for bettas? i am gonna got to petco because they have an isle of food products and i heard hikari iis good but none of my lfs carries it.
actually ive decided to call him morpheus

but he is almost like your 3rd sig pic without all the red a brownish copper purple face more purple and blue and less green and he has red white and blue Ventral or pectoral fins not sure wut thier called i gave him a mirror for a ew minutes and he showed me how great he looks he is almost in between a crown and combtail. if i had a digi cam i would take pics

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