My Fishing Are Dying...


New Member
Jan 16, 2007
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I set up my tank about a month ago. It is a 10 gallon tank that I bought from Petsmart as a kit. Heater, pump, etc.
Everything was fine with the tank for about a month or 2..then 3 days ago I noticed that one of the fish had died. He looked normal. I added a few goldfish to the tank just after this. The next day I noticed a white film over one of the other fish. Then later that night 3 other fish had the same white film, also covering their eyes. All of the fish I had originally in the tank died within 4 days.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
I attempted to treat the tank with Melafix but I was too late?

Tank inhabitants:
1 black finned shark (catfish), one silver with black spots catfish. 3 Black skirts. 1 Plecosumus. 1 Algae eater. All dead now. Also 3 goldfish currently living.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
A medium sized porcelain dolphin decoration.

Exposure to chemicals:

Thanks for any help that you can give me.
I set up my tank about a month ago. It is a 10 gallon tank that I bought from Petsmart as a kit. Heater, pump, etc.
Everything was fine with the tank for about a month or 2..then 3 days ago I noticed that one of the fish had died. He looked normal. I added a few goldfish to the tank just after this. The next day I noticed a white film over one of the other fish. Then later that night 3 other fish had the same white film, also covering their eyes. All of the fish I had originally in the tank died within 4 days.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
I attempted to treat the tank with Melafix but I was too late?

Tank inhabitants:
1 black finned shark (catfish), one silver with black spots catfish. 3 Black skirts. 1 Plecosumus. 1 Algae eater. All dead now. Also 3 goldfish currently living.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):
A medium sized porcelain dolphin decoration.

Exposure to chemicals:

Thanks for any help that you can give me.

Can you give us any more information? Water test results would be good in the first instance, if you don't have a test kit i would get one as this can tell you the cause of many problems, or warn you when things are about to go wrong.

I must say your combination of fish is odd and probably overstocked. A US gal tank should only hold about 10" worth of fish. The three goldfish which are coldwater fish should be in something like a 40 gal. I have one goldfish in a 10 gal who is very happy, and the general rule is 20 gal for the first fish and 10 gal for each one ofter that. The fish that died before are tropical fish and should have been kept at a higher tamperature than the goldfish. What temp is the tank at now?

Which fish had died first?

I'm not sure ehat you want us to suggest. Originally the tank was way overstocked to start with, and now with the goldfish i'm not sure you're keeping them at the right temp for a start, never mind the overstocking.

If you're keeping the goldfish, i would invest in at least a 30 gal tank for them, probably bigger. Go and read the various pinned articles on fish choice and tank stocking in the beginner sections, these may answer some questions, or inform you of things you are not aware of yet.

Good Luck.
I am concerned about the fish TB I have read about. Basically all I am wanting to know is what went wrong with these fish. There were only 10 fish in this tank total. All dead now other than the new additions (goldfish).

The spoted catfish died first, over the next day the shark, and the black skirts, sucker fish, algae eater.

I have kept the tank at 78 degrees.

Also, the Goldfish were not added until 1 hour after the catfish died as I assumed it was not a big deal and not a widespread thing. I had to add the goldfish as their tank got cracked. I keep a 55 gallon tank as well... never a problem with it.

Also, I have looked up lots on fish diseases and I can't find on that fits really. The body fungus looking stuff as well as the same thing covering their eyes. Can this be fish TB?

My thought is some kind of slime disease which is often caused by a parasite i think. Wilder is the person who whould know better, and how to treat it. Where are you based, as in the UK interpet do an anti slime treatment which may be effective.

did you cycle the tank first?

sounds as tho it is new tank syndrome - too many fish too fast - if you have enough water room for the fish thats fine but adding too many quickly - can cause water to go off - as the bacteria is not present to synthesize the ammonia producing poo and un-eaten food!

water changes first and test the water - put stats up on here plz

The tank is way overstocked.
The first goldfish alone needs a 20gal tank, then 10gal for every other goldfish added.
They are massive waste producers.
When water quality is bad they will produce more slime to protects themselves.
Also cloudy eye is a symtom of a desease not a desease in its self.
All the fish you had in that tank need a larger tank.
One thing to note, your fish selection was unsuitable, ALWAYS research fish before you buy them :) . The people at petsmarts know absolutely nothing about keeping fish. The only fish suitable for your tank are the black skirt tetras, and they like to be kept in bigger groups than 3. Next time your going to buy fish, ask what is suitable in these forums or research the fish you want to buy on the internet, its the safest way ;) . And always find out the species name before buying them, "one silver with black spots catfish. 1 Plecosumus. 1 Algae eater" could mean lots of species, some will get to big, some will kill your other fish but only a few species(not the most common ones) would actually be suited to your tank.
As for why your fish died, did you cycle the tank? How long did you cycle the tank for? Did you test the water? If you did, water stats? And what was your water changing routine?
agreed, most small scale pet stores (and some larger stores too :() know very little about fish.
Store assistant - "Thats a goldfish" - My reply: "no, thats a platy"

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