my fish,

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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look at my tanks in my signature,
can you guys tell me if they are to crowded or anything? i know the 55 gal is.
if it is can you please make suggestions on what i cand do with the fish?
i know how big irredecent sharks get. i got most of the fish in t he 55 when i was a beginner and then when i got more into the hobby i found out how big and agressive the fish i got were. so if anyone knows what i could do with my fish, please suggest it
I'm not so sure, though I can give you tips.

It's danio, not diano. (Don't worry, I used to spell rasboras "raspboras" :lol:). These need to be kept in schools to reduce stress and to make them happy and feel safe.

Also, we need to know what type of plecs you have because common plecs get huge.

I see a problem with the iridescent sharks and plecs, seeing as how they're bound to get way too big for the tank. try finding an lfs that'll take the sharks.

The sharks are the fish that I would deal with first. They are beautiful and very interesting to watch but I don't think you are going to be set up for the size tank they will require. Why not try to trade them in to the lfs for more danios or even a few corys...

20gal- 2 honey gourimis, 1 spotted rapheal, 1 lucky feeder guppy, 1 zebra diano
30gal tall- geophagus surinamis, rainbow cichled, pleco
30gal- kribensis, figure-8-puffer, polypterus senegalus (bichir), spotted rapheal
55gal- pleco, pink convict, 2 iridsharks, 2 firemouths, 3 jackdempseys.
Geos need a 55 gallon. Puffers are brackish, polypterus senegalus will probably eat kribs, danios school and need at least 4 of their kind, Jds get biggish. iridsharks get several feet long I believe. Other than that your fine. Honey gouramis are a good choice! :thumbs:
LOOK, I HAVE A GEO SURINEMANSIS TOO! :hyper: (See my sig pic)

Geos get 8-10 in., Bichirs get a foot but a 30g is fine, and puffers should have brackish. Thise things and the shark should be adressed quickly
ok thanks, most of that stuff i was already aware of. i am going to give the petstore my irid sharks but they wont trade me anything for them :angry:. i am looking to make a 29 gal brackish tank and get ride of the 30 gal tall. i would move the geo in the 30 gal (temporary) and the rainbow. i got some new fish yesterday, that zebra danio isnt alone any more, i got a deal, 5 for $3 but the guy gave me 6 by accident :D . i did a water change to on the 20 gal. i am also very upset because my PUFFER DIED!!! he was my favorite. my pet store said they would be ok in freshwater. to avenge his death i want to get another one in that 29 gal tank that would be brackish. i think that might be to small tho, can you tell me if it is???
i also would like to put archer fish in there and make 1/3 of the tank out of the water so the archers could catch bugs taht are on plants n stuff. i would also like to move my kribensis in that tank to so he wont get eaten by the sengalis. i havent changed my sig yet but i will soon. i feel really bad. i think im not good at keeping fish, i just give them a slow death. (poor puffer :byebye: ) so for the 29 gal it would be, maybe some archerfish, figure-8-puffer, kribensis (maybe a female). if it was up to me i would have about 4 55 gal but my parents wont let me and i dont have any money from the visit yesterday. ok can you guys please tell me if this plan is ok? thanks (they are common plecos)

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