My fish won't eat :(


New Member
Oct 31, 2003
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Toronto Ontario CAN
Hi! i just got my betta Delta Peke on Sunday night and I kept him in the hextagon shaped cup and fed him Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets (which he loved)but I felt bad for him cuz it was so small so I went out and bought the 1/2 gallon betta tank. I put room temp water in and let it sit as well as put the bowl conditioner. I moved him in and he was fine, he ate the Hikari Betta Bio-Gold pellets and swam around happily. A day and a half later, he will not eat. He goes for the food I give him and he opens his mouth and gets the food into his mouth
but he spits it back out and does not eat it. He will do this a couple times and then give up. So i tried to put the flakes in and he won't touch them either.. some people are saying something could be wrong with my water but I can't see how? The water is the right temp. and I used tap water (as people suggest is best) and used the cholrine remover... what am I doing wrong? I dont' want him to die!
put some water in a bowl and dechlorinate it,scoop about half of the water out of his bowl using a small cup and replace it with the fresh water. if you see any "poo" floating around remove it with a turkey baster, it could be that his ammonia is getting a little high, ammonia happens from waste and leftover food so be sure and not let food stay in the bowl with him. If you do the above steps several times a week (like 3) his bowl should "cycle" in a few weeks, for more info on cycling you can check the beginners section, OR you can do 100% changes once a week,whichever. Try getting him some frozen bloodworms,he'll gobble them up, I've yet to see a betta refuse them :)

Welcome to the wonderful world of bettas :lol: ,they're very picky,particular fish but soooo addicting! welcome tothe forum too! :D
thanks! so you think that I should do a partial water change already? i changed the water 2 days ago when i put him in the 1/2 gallon tank... i just tried feeding him a pellet and he did the same thing ate it spit it back up tried again and now he's just left it
most bettas won't eat flakes. one of my bettas won't eat the pellets, but he'll eat the "betta bits" by top fin (though i'm sure there are other brands), which are basically and crushed up pellet (little brown flecks). and freeze dried bloodworms maybe twice a week are good, my big betta indigo just loves them.
wow you guys are great! k so we dont think it was the water change that caused this? i dont know if i should move him back to the hex
Was he creating a bubblenest when he was in the hex? Did he create a bubblenest when he was moved? Bubblenest and/or a voracious appetite is a good sign your betta is healthy.

I'd put him back in the hex and see if he gets his appetite back. Maybe he likes small spaces? JMHO :)
what itty bitty said is valid. give him a little more time to adjust to the 1/2 gallon, but he might just feel better in a slightly smaller space. (you could just put more plants in there though, to take up some space.....). i know i had my smaller betta in a 2 gal at one point, but he never seemed happy in it. now that he's in the 1 gal and much happier. just my thoughts..... :)
you know what? he ws creating a bubble nest in the hex and there is only one bubble in the 1/2 gallon!!! I think i will get the hex ready and move him tonight do you think that 12 hrs is enough to let the tap water sit with a conditioner or should i do it tomorrow so i give it 24 hrs? i am sorry i am asking so many questions it's just that i had a million fish when i was younger and they all died and i was scared to start again. but now i am 22 and decided to conquer my fear but now it;s coming back i dont want to kill him
Uh oh.... You mean I have to let the conditioned water sit for a while? I thought it was immediately dechlorinated a minute after the conditioner was added? :/
i dont know i thought to be safe that i should let the water sit even after i add the water conditioner.. i am super paranoid ... hee .. ok so i will get the hex ready and do the change tonight u will defn see me back if by tomorrow night my Delta Peke won't eat still or no bubbles have formed!
Hey Kare
I just saw your post in the newbie have shells in his tank? Maybe try taking them out,shells can sometimes do crazy things to the ph OR they could be leeching something into his water
Just wanted to let ya knwo that I put him in the Hex again with no shells and his appetite is back and now I can breathe :) Thanks so everyone for the help! I guess he just likes smaller spaces - what a weirdo!!! *hee*
:lol: :lol: :lol: , I love them,they ARE wierd :lol: ,and they're all so different.
Glad he's back to his old self :)

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