My Fish Tank Has Gone Cloudy!?


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Apr 12, 2014
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Hello guys, im not sure if this is in the right place so if not, feel free to move it. :)
So, 2 days ago I added api root tabs, dosed liquid carbon and liquid plant fertilisers. And now my tank has gone really cloudy!! On the 1st day it was only starting to go cloudy so at night I did a water change, then the next day the tank had just got worse and I could barely see to the back of the tank. So I did another 25% water change. With every water change it just seems to get worse. And I have researched a bit and one user posted a link, and it basically said water changes are next to useless as I would have to do it every 10-15 minutes if I want to remove the bacteria that are causing this., due to the speed in which they multiply. I gravel vacuumed the substrate earlier but I don't think that made any difference as it is still cloudy.... When the lights are off it looks fine but once I turn them on it looks really bad. Also, my fish don't seem to be affected what so ever and are just swimming along. And the tank looks a milky colour. When I take pics the tank looks clear so.... There's no point in me taking one..
Any ideas as to what I can do to clear it up??? I'm 99.9% sure it is a bacterial bloom, but how do I clear up the water???
Any help is greatly appreciated
Have you tested your water stats?
Not to sure to be honest as I never bothered with live plants.
I think you will get more help in the plant section of the forum.
Black carbon good at clearing up water but it will  remove what you added I think.
Thanks for the reply wilder. Here are my results:
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
whoops. Forgot to add in the rest:
Nitrate <20
Ph 7.4
It's not your water quality as it looks excellent. Just needed to check.
Never heard of liquid carbon before. Have you added these before without any problems.
Its my first time dosing these. I couldn't splash out on a c02 system, plus it probably wouldn't be necessary for a 15gal anyway. And i have 6 black carbon filter sponges waiting to be used, should i put 2 in tommorrow? I'm in bed now so i cant. There are none in there as i had to treat my platy before so carbon had to be removed.... Ive made the same thread in the planted section as well. So mods, feel free to lock this
It depends on the carbon size but you should only need one of them for a 15 gallon tank.
You will get better and more experienced advice over in the plant section. As they will know more of what you have used and the affects on the water.
Good Luck.
Thanks for your help wilder. Should i ask a mod to lock this thread?? So i can focus on the one in plant section??
There no need too. It's your choice.
Someone else might want to offer advice.
Hope you sort your problem out.
Good Luck.
I do too.
Will keep an eye on your other thread.

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