My Fish Swollow Stones


New Member
Mar 14, 2006
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i dont know if yuo can help but my fish kepp swollowing stones and the stones are not big i dont know how this is happeinng we are having to get the stone out by hand and they keep swolling them if we dont get them out they will die does anybody else have tbis problem please help
Might want to think of changing to sand instead.
Or bigger stones.
What kind of fish is it, a comet goldfish? if so you can take all the gravel out and have nothing on the bottom.
IMO, sand would be better, though bigger grained gravel would also work, though the fish might get bigger and try swallowing these, and larger gravel results in more pockets for debris.
i say get a new fish

u got sum possessed stone eating fish
Easiest fix is to buy a larger grade of stone. They make some gravel that has rather large pieces, these should be large enough not to be swallowed by your fish. The sand would make it more difficult to clean and possibly end up with pockets of anaerobic bacteria building up if the sand isn't stirred up on a regular basis.
Or get rid of the gravel altogether and have it bare bottomed so cutting down on any bad bacteria hiding and get a few river rocks or large coloured pebbles for the fish to push around.

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