My Fish Love Chicken..........


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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Well I was eating a peice of cold chicken, and dropped a little bit on the floor right by my tank, picked it up and was about to throw it in the trash... but then I took a small piece about 1mm x 1mm and dropped it in the tank, and my fish went CRAZY, I did that about 5 more times and then finished my peice and watched them fight over the scraps.

hope it isnt bad for them.
hhhhmmmm chicken..... yum

Your fish have taste. Of all the meats to feed fish I would of thought chicken would of been the best choice, easy to digest etc (if it were a case I HAD to choose one). Its only one rung up the ladder from vegitables :D
As long as it isn't all greasy it's healthy I hear. Just little pieces,don't go throwin a whole chicken breast in there or anything. LOL :) As much as the fish would enjoy that... :hey: :lol:
just go easy- i believe fish cant digest mammal protein at all so too much will be very bad for them. saying that our fish LOVE cheddar cheese go absolutely nuts for it & hillarious to watch, my other half put some in before we learnt on this forum its not good for them. since then weve only done it one other time at xmas for a treat- a teeny tiny piece. i think our tiger barbs would kill for the stuff - i keep expecting to find the little gang trying to prise open our fridge to get more :D :)
My bettas LOVE strawberries, and peas. Silly guys. (Funny thing they don't like frozen bloodworms) Bettas will eat tons of different foods though :wub:
Chickens aren't mammals so not being able to digest mammal protein won't be a problem.
It depends on the fish, but I wouldn't feed any of my fish chicken or any mammal meat either, why take the health risk when there are so many foods offered that are much closer to their natural diet.
I wouldn't worry so much about the actual chicken as I would about the chemicals pumped into those poor birds. :sad:

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