My Fish List

Fish Fingers

Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
EDIT: Due to me being an idiot, I didn't put this in the fish section :*) . Sorry about that.

Hello all it's been a while since I posted, and I've never done one before in the saltwater section! (except for one i did a few minutes ago)

Anyway I've got a 3'x15"x18" which is roughly around 150L and 40US gallons. For this tank I was wondering if I would be able to keep these fish without any harm:

-Pair of percula clowns
-Bi-colour blenny
-Six-line Wrasse
-Coral Beauty

I've got a feeling this might be to many fish for a tank this small, but I'm new to the fish side of marine tnaks so I'm asking to make sure. Also is it true that Coral Beauty's have a tendency to nip at corals? If so this might not be the best pick for ym tank anyway :/

i've heard a lot of complaints that six-liners are hard to keep... I don't know the validity of that since I've never had one...
No problem with this list and this is fine for a tank of this size.

Make sure you add them in the correct order as the 6 line and coral beauty can be territorial.

Add the bi colour first, then the clowns, the coral beauty and finally the 6 line. You might get away with the 6 line before the coral beauty but I would advise it the other way around.

As for the 6 line being a problem fish to keep, i have found them to be hard as nails! real tough fish but just make sure you dont add any other wrase after it or a war will break out.
Hi..I've had a sixline now for over 6 months in a 24G without any problems. Eats like a horse. He should be fine in there. SH

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