My Fish List...what To Get Next?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Hi, I'm new to this site I just signed up tonite! Well I'll start by saying I have a 55 Gal tank, It's been up and running for over a year now and I'd like you guys to maybe give me some advice on what to get next, and tell me if im headed in the right direction. I have a tropical freshwater setup with the following fish:

-1 angelfish
-3 clown loaches
-3 glass catfish
-1 painted glass
-5 neon tetras
-1 extremely large pleco
-1 shrimp
-1 catfish(cory)

I'd like to get alot more fish, and alot more experience. Any advice you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated, so help me make my next move! :)

I forgot to mention that I need more of the cory's im plannin on getting 2 or 3 more sometime this week
how large is "extremely" large? is it a common plec?
that sounds like a pretty well stocked tank really, considering the large plec, i don't think your tank could handle much more in terms of bioload.

if you could rehome the plec then you can consider being a bit more flexible with fish.

your neon tetras are going to become angel food as well, they're what angels naturally feed on in the wild.

how big are the clown loaches? they grow slow, but once full grown need about a 100 gallon tank as they'll reach around 12".

p.s. your painted glass fish was dyed, something frowned upon on this forum.
how large is "extremely" large? is it a common plec?
that sounds like a pretty well stocked tank really, considering the large plec, i don't think your tank could handle much more in terms of bioload.

if you could rehome the plec then you can consider being a bit more flexible with fish.

your neon tetras are going to become angel food as well, they're what angels naturally feed on in the wild.

how big are the clown loaches? they grow slow, but once full grown need about a 100 gallon tank as they'll reach around 12".

p.s. your painted glass fish was dyed, something frowned upon on this forum.

Lets not forget "welcome to the forum" :hi:
Ok to answer all your questions:

-The pleco is about 12 inches, which to me is quite large. A friend wants to buy him off me, would I need to get another one that doesn't grow as large?

-The painted glass fish I bought when I first got my tank over a year ago. I know that they are dyed and I think its the stupidest thing that they can do, but i've had this one forever and he's still kickin. The others I had died off real fast, but the one I have might actually be my favorite fish!

-The clown loaches are only about an inch in length, how long does it take them to get up to 10-12in? I just recently bought these, about a week ago. j

-Oh and the angelfish never bothers the neons, at all. I had another angel who also didn't bother em.

Anymore questions, comments or concerns? throw em at me! :D
If your friend has a big tank, then you could sell him.. would help matters.. i understand they are big poop machines :p ..

You could look at a bristlenose plec as a replacement.. they stay alot smaller, and are good at cleaning up algae too. (so im told) ;)

I have also been led to believe that clown loach are fairly slow growiing... so the problem is not imminent, but still needs to be considered.

Get some pictures up in the members fish section ..!!!

Also.. if you post any other messages in the other sections you will probably get more replies.. this is more of the "hello" bit.. There are tonnes of people with helpful suggestions...

Thanks for the advice! which forum would be best for me considering the fish that I have. I'm assuming I can post about my Pleco if theres a catfish/pleco type forum (i havent really looked yet). I love the clown loaches I got they have to be my favorite fish and I don't want them to outgrow the tank! Ah well.....thanks for the help.
If its general compatability, then tropical chit chat is fine.. if its a specific question about catfish, then go to that forum.. loads of knowledgeable people there.


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