My fish is dying - put out of misery?


New Member
Oct 10, 2002
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This is kinda weird, but I have a female guppy and she seems to have had a stroke. She is swimming on one half of her body and the other half is still. She has been like this for three whole days and will not die...I feel bad because I know she is suffering. How should I put her out of her misery (without flushing her down the toilet alive...) Or should I just let her die on her own? I've had guppies for many years and none of them ever got like this, I just usually found them dead overnight from old age or whatnot. Thanks!
Cami, that is a controversial dilemma. There are many different methods that are practiced. Read here...Disposal...and it should help you come to a decision that works best for yourself.
Yep, always a difficult one this,

But first up - Hi and welcome cami, not what you really want for your first post! :(

LOL at Michael in above Disposal link/thread :lol: boy did he get a verbal kicking from the members :angry: Where is he now -(who cares?), but he got what he deserved :p

Cami, never a nice thing to have to do and as you allready know if a fish has been suffering this badly for this amount of time then it has to be kinder to end it yourself - or you wouldn't ask the question.

It is much easier for the keeper to leave it in the tank to dye by itself eventually - but is this fare/humane?

here goes;

IMHO for very small fish then I think temperature shock is acceptable as it will be quick. Unfortunatly not so good as fish get bigger as it would take longer to dye.

For larger I would favour decapitation with sharp knife or if the fish is big enough and you are confident that you can do it in one go then concusive blow to the head followed by decapitation incase the fish was only stunned.

Just my opinion and am sure there will be more to follow - but hope this helps

I dont feel that Great lakes link to Dragonslair disposal post was inappropriate at all. I think the dipping of the fish in ice water is a more humane way than cutting its head off or beating it in the head. If cami loves his/her fish as much as i do mine, decapitation or a blow to the head would make me sick. Sorry just my opinion. I think the ice cold water bath would be more suitable. :)
Thanks guys. She is still alive... uh, and apparently had an immaculate conception (again). As I was cleaning out her tank today, I found about 10 baby guppy corpses (they looked like they were born too soon as some still had the eggshell attached). They must have been only a day or two old, as they were not there last time I cleaned her tank. I had no idea she was pregnant... she had one batch of babies when I first got her, but she has been in a tank all by herself since then and has had two more batches of babies since then!!! With no help from a male. But I guess that is another separate issue!!! :)
amityv said:
I think the ice cold water bath would be more suitable. :)
Yes, I couldn't agree more - for small fish. But it is not quick for larger fish. Minimising the time your fish suffers surely is paramount?

I dont feel that Great lakes link to Dragonslair disposal post was inappropriate at all.
Huh :huh:

Who said it was inappropriate? ;)

LOL at Michael in above Disposal link/thread boy did he get a verbal kicking from the members Where is he now -(who cares?), but he got what he deserved

I just took it as though the link he gave wasnt the appropriate one he should have given. But i am glad he gave that one, because i had never heard of an ice bath for sick fish. So even if it was the wrong link, he helped me in the long run. My tinfoil fish is on his last leg . Sorry i just took it wrong i guess! No biggy :D
"Would you prefer to slowly freeze to death or have a instananeous death. I know which I would prefer While it might be easier and "nicer" for the keeper to just put the fish in the icebath I would say that it's nicer for the fish to have a sharp blow to the head or a cut with a sharp knife through the vertebrae."
The above is a quote from another mod who is aware that it may cause ructions, I totaly agree with this method as it is quick and painless.
Cami you have seen and heard the views, the choice is yours.
;) Mac.
I am with mac and the wuss mod :p

A ice bath is not the nice humane method of euthanasia people think it is slowly freezing to death is stressful if you dont believe its true go sit in a butchers deep freeze and see how quick you get stressed.

The best available method available to most fihkeepers is the sharp blow to the head ther are things you can do besides but they arent nice from the persons point of view.

If your gonna put it through the stress of freezing you just aswell leave it in the tank to let nature take its course.

I have a book in which is an entire chapter devoted to this topic so if anyone wants to here more on this subject and disposal PM me.
I personally couldnt do any of them.
I assume to let nature take its course. I didnt come on here to argue,or be ganged up on, by anyone on the right or wrong way to put a fish out of his misery. It's all on ones choice i presume. I just feel cutting a fish's head off is harsh, but i see the point of not using the ice bath either. But i am a woman, and i bet most women you wont find cutting the heads off or beating there sick fish in the head. Maybe they have there significant other do it.
i don think anyone wants to argue just that this subject always tends to touch a nerve, i dont think anybody here would put there fish down if it could be avoided. And if it couldnt its still alot easier to say than do after all were all fish lovers here

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