My fish have white spots all over them.

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Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
My fish have white little white spots all over them. I think it is ick. I asked the lfs guy and he said that it was probabley ick. He recomended some meds called "Quick Cure". I have been using the meds for about 5 days now, and have seen no progress. Could this infestation be something else? It has already claimed the life of my spiney. It has now mostly infected my clown pleco and my BGK. Your thoughts please.

P.S. The back of the bottle says not to use on baby whales or elephant nose. I was wondering if this would at all efect my BGK, becasue BGK are very similar to baby whales and elephant noses? -_-
If your fish do indeed have ich, it will look like they have had little grains of salt or sugar sprinkled on them. Meds can take awhile to be effective and actually have no effect on the ich that is currently on the fish - the meds work on the ich after it falls off the fish. If you go to Google and search on the life cycle of ich, you should be able to find more information. There are three stages to ich's life cycle, but I don't remember the details of them all.

Raising the tank temperature will speed up the life cycle of the ich. I don't know if the meds will affect you BGK or not...I don't have much knowledge on those fish.

Good luck :thumbs: I've been battling inch in my tank for a month :crazy:

aka Married Lizard :wub:
Not sure about the BGK, but I would definitely turn up the temp a bit :thumbs: You can't kill ich when ot is on your fish, you have to speed up their life cycle and kill the floating ones with treatments :) Don't add salt though, you have a pleco! :p
Read this thread for lots of ich info. It does say in that post that ich will attach itself to rocks, wood, etc.
I have battled ick too. I broke down and got UV sterilizer and (knock on wood) my tank with the sterilizer seems to be amazingly well. I got it on ebay for $30 + $10 shipping and handling. Considering the money I've spent on ick meds and melafix and the like it now seems worth it. But who knows if that’s what's keeping the tank in good condition. Could be a coincidence.

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