My fish has some sort of tumor


New Member
Jun 20, 2021
Reaction score
Huntsville, AL
Hello all.

My fish has had a lump on his side for about a week now and at first I thought that it might be some debris that was attached to him, but looking at it now it seems more like a tumor or some type on fungus. I don't know if this is serious or not but either way I don't want my fish to suffer. He is a king betta. Any help is appreciated.

That isn't food those are pond snails I think. I kept them in because they help with algae. My fish seems to like his corner in the fish tank so I can't get a good video of him. I will try to see if I can catch him outside of his corner
I had a female betta with a white spot near the tail fin. It would grow a white tumor like growth that would shrink back down in size. I never found out what it was, took a small sample and examined it under the microscope and found nothing either. The growth did not affect the betta but she didn't live very long maybe only 2.5 years, only recently dying. I am interested in what you find because your fish kind of looks similar.
I had a female betta with a white spot near the tail fin. It would grow a white tumor like growth that would shrink back down in size. I never found out what it was, took a small sample and examined it under the microscope and found nothing either. The growth did not affect the betta but she didn't live very long maybe only 2.5 years, only recently dying. I am interested in what you find because your fish kind of looks similar.
it couldve been a fungal/bacterial infection
can you put video on YouTube, I have crap internet and can't view your link

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