My Fish Has A Eye Parasite?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2007
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hi i need help on identifying this parasite or fungul infection before i proceed further. Im just wondering if anyone can see what this is? I tried using melafix to treat my fish but nothing has happend. If by a chance this is a worm I am planning to get tweazers to pull the worm out of its eye. thank you and please help! One more thing, When i bought my fish i noticed that the eye had a small little blur on it, I found out when i got home and i was hoping it would dissapear but in fact it got worse.

here r pix





If its a parasite I would not try pulling it off the eye with tweezers, you will more than likely really damage the eye or pull the eye out as well, or even leave the head of the parasite behind to keep causing infection.
I actually wonder if its more of an infection, possibly from a scratch, than a parasite, have you only tried Melafix? Or have you tried salt baths/ dips. To remove leaches from small shrimp I used a salt bath which worked a treat for making the leaches drop off without harming my shrimp.
im positive that this is a fungal infection now, the reason my fish medicine was not working is because i forgot to remove my carbon from my filter
Looks like an Arowana? Get the carbon out and try it again, is he/she behaving any differently?
Looks like an Arowana? Get the carbon out and try it again, is he/she behaving any differently?
yeah i already got the carbon out, im monitoring my fish, its been on medication for 4 consecutive days, it seems like the eye is healing Slowly, but i dont think my medication is strong enough. I need maracyn plus. Melafix is garbage.

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