My Fish Family!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:D Hello all you fish lovers! Here's a few pictures of my fish family! First to start with, is a piture of some of my guppies. It's so hard to get good pictures of them because they're so quick and they tend to avoid the camera shot.

:wub: The blue male guppy (in the center of the piture) is Periwinkle, but the picture makes his sky blue color fade. The guppy with the yellow snakeskin markings (at the lower left corner) is Tango. I don't know why I named him that, but it sounded crazy and bold like his markings. The yellow female (at the surface) is Daisy and she's the only guppy in the tank that has no markings, besides the two streaks of gold on her tail. The red and purple male guppy (in the upper left corner) still has no name, so any suggestions are glady welcome! Enjoy the pictures! :thumbs:


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:no: I'm sorry, but the pictures aren't loading properly. . . I'll try to post more pictures. This wasn't supposed to happened. . . :-(
Daisy and another female guppy! :D

:) Now it's working. . . I don't know why some of my pictures load and other don't. :/


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My 29 gallon tank! :D

Sorry the picture is so small, but the larger size wouldn't load! :no:


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Sasha you have some pretty impressive males. Your leopard female(the one with Daisy) is an exact copy of one of my young females :D Would love to see individual closeups of the males so i could possibly nominate them :kana: .
Don't worry i can see all your pics and if you need help reducing the kb in your pics (so their under 100 k) so you can post them, I'm here if you need me. :) Also remember your pics have to be .jpegs
:hyper: Wow! I never knew I had leopard female guppies! I have 3 of them with the yellow and black tails. I got some individual pictures of the male guppies, so I'll have to post them up later. :D
:p Last picture of an unnamed male guppy. Any suggestions on a name for him!


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