My fish died.. =*(


New Member
Jan 25, 2005
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I don't know how it died.. but the image of it laying there still haunts me..

I woke up this morning, in eager delight because of new semester schedules..

As always, I walked over to my Fish tank and turned on the light..

To my surprise... laying on the gravel was a pale, tiger barb with its mouth open.

I was shocked... :eek:

I must have stood there for atleast 10 minutes staring at it in horror :sick:
.... I started laughing histerically.. :-(

What the hell... :/

Can anyone identify how it died?
It had it's mouth open and was pale all around.

It looked sick for the past few days, maybe it died of a disease.
But do most fish die with their mouth open?
Difficult to say what it died of really Sefu...had it shown any signs of illness previous to your finding it?Fish normally exhibit symptoms of one kind or another.Was it sitting on its own?Not eating?Are there any larger fish that might have attacked it?Sorry to hear though,never nice to lose a fish.
It stood by itself, yes..
But it did however eat...
It was one of the larger fish in the tank

From smallest to biggest:

Albino - Green - Regular, the one that died was probably the biggest one i had in the tank
Any fin damage? Biggest doesnt always mean meanest....ALso what are your water readings? Tigers are quite sensitive to Nitrite so it could be a water quality issue.
Alot of detail such as water levels and such in my earlier post this week

"barb in danger of dieing"

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