My fish are sick and dying!


New Member
Jan 4, 2018
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Yesterday, when I came home from work, I went to feed my fish and they were all sick! I look at and feed my fish every morning before work and before I go to bed. They seemed normal to me and then suddenly my whole tank was infected! I did reasearch and believe my fish have the "ick". They have white spots on them and their coloring is faded. I went to my local pet store and talked to them and they told me to purchase Marineland Ick Remedy. It was too late for my one tetra :( I woke up this morning and my second tetra is gone. I'm left with one tetra and my betta. My tetra is breathing rapidly and is staying in one spot. My betta is just resting on the rocks, but seems to be the healthiest. So, my question is, is there anything else I should be doing, besides the Ick Remedy?
Thank you!
Hey hopefully your treatment has helped! Sounds like ick to me. From what I can tell, that is all you can do. I see your post was almost a week ago, did they make it?
I would read up about the ich life cycle. Basically, an ich parasite or trophozoite bursts from a cyst found on the skin, gills, and fins of a fish. The trophont forms a protective shell called a tromont where it multiplies inside. These will lay about your aquarium until they burst. When there are laying around, it is a good time to vacuum your gravel. do this every day. When the tromont bursts, it releases thousands of new tomites that will swim around to look for a fish host. the Tomites will infect a new host and the cycle will start again.

Good ways to treat ich are NOT medicines. The best way and most safe way is doing it naturally. Raise the temp to 83-84 for two weeks. Do frequent water changes and vacuum the gravel VERY well during the water changes to make sure your getting all the tromonts out of your tank.
Hey hopefully your treatment has helped! Sounds like ick to me. From what I can tell, that is all you can do. I see your post was almost a week ago, did they make it?

Unfortunately, I lost all three of my tetras My betta looks a lot better and the white dots are cleared up but it's acting strange. It hasn't really moved much from one of the corners at the top of the tank. I feel like this isn't normal but don't know what to do?
I would read up about the ich life cycle. Basically, an ich parasite or trophozoite bursts from a cyst found on the skin, gills, and fins of a fish. The trophont forms a protective shell called a tromont where it multiplies inside. These will lay about your aquarium until they burst. When there are laying around, it is a good time to vacuum your gravel. do this every day. When the tromont bursts, it releases thousands of new tomites that will swim around to look for a fish host. the Tomites will infect a new host and the cycle will start again.

Good ways to treat ich are NOT medicines. The best way and most safe way is doing it naturally. Raise the temp to 83-84 for two weeks. Do frequent water changes and vacuum the gravel VERY well during the water changes to make sure your getting all the tromonts out of your tank.

Thank you, that information was helpful

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