My Fish Are Poorly :(


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
Huddersfield, West Yorks, UK
My goldfish had gone into hiding and were only coming up to feed. I have just fished them out and put them in a bath tub in my garden so i can see them better (they live in a pond)

They are all very itchy and scratching themselves on everything they dont have any white spots.

I have only noticed this on one of them, but it is producing long white poops.

They seem extra hungry if thats a symptom? They usually play in the filter stream as well but they are all just hiding at the bottom.

Water is very normal with clear ammonia, nitrite and nitrate tests. pH is 6.8 (this is normal for my pond)

They are fed hozelock nutri flakes (theyre not big enough for pellets yet). I use amquel water conditioner and have a hozelock ecocell 4500.

The pond was fully cycled but they have only been living there about a month.
what test kit are you using? dip strips or liquid indicator

long white poo can mean internal infection or internal parasites

have you noticed any red veins on the fishes body or fins? as it can be a sign of septicemia(internal bacterial infection), or even ammonia poisoning.

i noticed you said you fish have only been in the pond a month how many fish do you have in the pond?

also you ph is a little low for goldies 7.4 to 7.8 would be better but it needs to be stable (mine flash like mad when the ph crashes)
i added crushed oyster shells to my filters this helps stablize the ph

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