MY fish are mean

Angel Lady

Pet of the Month Leader
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
Hazard Kentucky
I only have one in my Cichlid tank that thinks he is the boss and he is always picking on this other fish that I bought for a mate for him. I think they both are males both have the spots on thier bottom fin anyway.How can I sorta slow them down from whipping up on the other ones all the time??? I am think about getting rid of this fish I think they are Kenni's but I am not for sure when I purschased them they sign just said mixed cichlids so i'm really not for sure.
you don't have nearly enough fish in your tank, i read six i think, any ways to prevent agresion with african mbuna the best way is to overstock your tank, your dempsy is not an african mbuna and therefor you should look into a different tank for him as i doubt he would respond well in a overstocked tank, it is also important fior you too find out what the orange fish are if they are too more male keyi then definately remove one of them

also add lot's of rocks to your tanks for hidey places
I found out that this fish was sold to me as a jack. But he is a green terror and requires a 100 gallon tank also. So looks like I have to start saving money. I plan on stocking my tank some more I was really wanting to see how well I could do with them before I got a lot of them. If you know what I mean. I raised these fish from babies and they all got alone fine until they got grown. No that is all they do is fight. How many more do you think I need? I am willing to do just about anything to stop this monster behavior out of these fish.
EDIT->uh oh that's wrong sorry, hmm, probally at least eight maybe 16 max, but i'm not sure should wait for cichlid addict on this, he seems to be away right now
Another way of reducing the territoriality of Malawis is to add them in batches of 4-5. This way individuals aren't picked on and large territories can't be formed. Ideally all the fish should be added at once, but lengthy maturation of the tank and filter capacity often restrict this.

Move some of the decor in the tank around when you add the new fish to confuse the old ones and break up any territories that have already been formed.

Also, levels of aggresion vary in different species. I've recently removed 3 Labeotropheus fuelleborni from my tank and it is much more peaceful now. There close relations Lab. Trewavasse on the other hand are more docile.
Well for one. A GT does not need a 100g tank. As for the ARE pretty low for the type of fish you are rob280783 said, when you DO add more, be sure to rearrange some of the tank to confuse the old inhabitants, either that, or remove them while you are adding the new ones.
Thanks I will be adding some more but how many more should I add to this tank without overstocking it???? Also what size tank do I need for the GT??
Thanks for letting me know about the fish. I Slowly adding fish to the tank I got two new ones already. I keep on moving the rocks around everytime I add a new fish. I hope this will make them better I can't stand to watch these fish be little :devil: :devil: :devil: They are rotton.

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