I have a 20 gallon tank and about 2 weeks ago I added some fish to it. 3 of them died, with no apparent reason... Today, I was vaccuning the bottom and I noticed some tiny white worms in the water... HELP!!!
Those white worms are parrasites. These are the things that are killing your fish. They are nasty little worms that can be very harmful to tropicle fish. They go inside your fish and literally eat there organs and insides. I know of no reason for there appearence. I've had them in several of my tanks. They can attack your fish by clinging to there skin, or when they are small enter through there mouths. They can be treated and removed.
Step 1. Vacume your tank as much as possible. (be sure not to vacume to much, it will hurt your fish)
Step 2. If you have anysort of cartrige or spunge in your filter. Make sure that none of the worms are on them. If there are I would suggest boiling them or changing them to new ones.
Step 3. Boil any decorations you have. (do not boil live plants or real wood.)
Step 4.This is the most important step. Buy some COPPER SAFE u cna find that a any local fish store. (make sure u take out all your fw inverts before ussage as the copper safe can kill them)