My fish are dying

Chilled Babe

New Member
Oct 7, 2003
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I have now been treating my fish for whitespot for the past 2 weeks. All of my giant cardinal tetras are dead they were really badly infected, 2 guppies and now my inital female platy (although she hasn't looked well for months).

Now I have noticed that some of the platy fry (6 mths) have patches of what looks like ? fungus ?slime ? columnaris. The guppy seems to have some on her as well but its hard to see as she is a creamy yellow. She looks as though the ? whatever is trailing at the end of her tail as well but not from poo area. Its like patchy slime hanging slightly from the fish, white/grey in colour.

I can't believe how fast they are all dying although I have had no more deaths for the past 8 hours.

My params are fine

ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Ph 7.6
Temp 84

I did a 60% water change yesterday before I treated them again for white spot.

It just doesn't look that great. I noticed that on the bogwood that there is a black fine mossy sort of stuff on it waving about it the water. I had taken out the other one in the water last night and rinsed it in boiling water - cooled it off and put it back in. The other one with the black stuff I tried to clean last night but my talking catfish hides in a crevise and it would not come out so I left it ? any relation to what is happening.

Please help. :dunno:
On looking at the fish this morning some of the fish have got worse with white spot. Should I continue to treat for white spot ?

Should I treat for ?fungus ? columnaris.

Needed to know soon as I am going to the shops shortly and will be near a fish shop.

I am a newb so you have to take anything I say with a pinch of salt :unsure: . IMHO, the ich treatment should have worked by now if that is the main cause of the problems. So, I would say it was time to try something else, say coppersafe for fungus/velvet or an antibiotic or both if the antibiotic is compatible with coppersafe. You should probably take the advice of someone more experienced. Best of luck with your fish.
turn your heater up to 85 degrees and do a 20 percent water change daily this should take care of your ich if you dont have any scaless fish you can use some salt. This a the best way to rid your tank of ich without all that harmful medicine which I think that does the fish more harm than good.
I went to the LFS and she said to treat the Ich first. The other problem I had with clumps of slime was probably due to my fault as I did not properly measure the amout of stress coat I put in the water after a water change. I must admit (silly me I know - rather stupid) because the bottle says you can add a larger amount if the fish have damaged their nature slime coat and any fin damage etc, I though it would not mater, however over time the result has proven damaging to my fish. I have been so upset about all the fish dying and have certainly learnt a lot over the last week. No deaths today so hopefully things have settled and my fish will regain their health.

I suppose I will have to wait a couple of months until I add any new fish.

Thanks for all the advice.


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