my fish are all dying!!


New Member
Sep 7, 2003
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I have a 29 gallon tank and evry time i buy a fish it dies and now all my other fish that i have had for a long time are dying. When i get them out they have clear slimy stuff covering thier body and i'm not sure whats wrong, so can u please help me.
Hi - sorry to hear of your problems, but before we can help we need more infor from you. How long has the tank been set up and what are the water parameters, ammonia readings, nitrite readings, what kind of fish do you have. Please supply us with more info so that we can see if we can find out what the problem is.
i am not sure about all that stuff, but i have had my tank set up for two or three months. I have a bunch of baby fish, three black mollys, some kind of white molly, a tetra, some kinda brick fish, and a ghost shrimp. My algae eater just died today.
What size is the tank? Did you cycle it first before adding fish? We need you to give some test readings before we can work out whats going on.
What do you know about cycling? After 3 months your tank should be cycled, but maybe you've been given bad advice about something and are doing something that's making your tank go through mini-cycles (like being overly enthusiastic changing filter inserts, for instance).

Please follow the link in my sig and read my article on New Tanks to make sure you know the basics. Then please post your water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature) and tell us what sort of filter you have, whether you have live plants or not and the dimensions of your tank. We'll try to help you, promise.
i don't know about the PH or anything, but i have live plants, and a filter that is biosphere or somthing and it hooks on the tank at the top.
First thing to do is test the water. If you haven't got any testing equipment, take a sample to your lfs and ask them to test it for you. Post the results here.

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