my fish aint 2 healthy lets say

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Fish Crazy
Jul 14, 2004
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Markert Rasen...lincs..UK
i had 5 flame tetras, i put them in tank and was told by lfs they would be fine, but they got tail nipped and by morning 2 survivors... so i put them in smaller tank, today it seams the fish in smaller tank had a go to.. these lil guys havent had it good :S so in emergency i have put the one survivor in my catching net with a bit fo food...
my problems.
he cant swim hardly from no fins, if he survives the stress and battles hes had do will his fins grow back eventually???

this is a big mistake from the LFS and partly MY folt...
anyhelp appreciated!
The barbs are the explanation for tail nipping in the first tank. Guppies aren't really agressive at all and I never seen any tail nipping from them. Their fins do grow back reletavily quickly. Try putting some melafix and salt in the tank. Melafix to help heal and salt to relieve stress and fend off infections.
yer i knew was rosy barbs cos saw them in morning when woke up and quickly saved 2 survivors!!!

yer i duno bout guppies but im sure that the tail on him had got smaller with the guppies... *mayb preggaz females getting broody hehe*

hes in net now, and i think hes living just :S hopefully he will survive and when big enough so rosy barbs dont bully he can get back in tank and got HA!

It might have gotten bullied by the guppies cuz it was weakened by the fighting. I never seen guppies doing anything to any other fish though. :dunno: Put him in a hospitol tank if you can. Barbs are netorious fin nippers.
keeping u up2date..

hes currently in my fish net because its the only thing i have for it :\, its doing fine atm, well its still breathing and theres a little movement.. hope he improves :)

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