My First Tank


Fish Crazy
Dec 25, 2009
Reaction score
well I finally got some photos taken

it is my first tank and there are alot of things I regret doing -_-





any ideas/ opinions would be appreciated

hi, great tank. :good: personally, i think it would look better with some more plants in it. and possibly move the bogwood back a bit, as it looks a bit overpowering to me. what ferts/co2 do you use, and what is the wattage of your lighting, and are the tubes t5, t6, t8 or t12? also, what are the dimensions of the tank, and how much water does it hold?

cheers :good:
yeh the bogwood is the biggest regret :/

its too big, it has a branch ( :huh: ) jutting out against the the back pannel so I cant push it back anymore, I could cut it off though, I has just stopped leeching tannins so I dont really want to put a new piece in and it seems such a waste it was like $50 :\

when I started I was all for the wood but now I wish I had scaped it better

no co2 lol just seachem flourish about once a week, the tank holds 37 Gallons of water and its dimensions are 76 x 38 x 71 cm

it has two T5 13W 14000K white lights

I would love to plant more plants (bad use of words lol) but I dont know what to get

any suggestions?
hi, the seachem flourish only contains the micro and trace elements, and the plants need the macro elements: nitrogen phosphorus and potassium. i use TPN+, which contains everything the plants need, s i would recommend investing in some of that. it is available at, and it gives the recommended weekly dosage on the tub, but it's best to split it into daily doses, so that the plants always have the same amount of nutrients.

you have about 1.4 wpg, which is quite high for t5. you could try many stem plants.

if you start a new topic in the planted tank section, specifying ferts, lighting tank size etc, then there will be people with more knowledge than me about high light tanks, and which plants are suitable.

cheers :good:
Nice tank. Like Pest Control said I think it would look better with more plants. What stocking have you got in there?
My current stocking plan is,

2 Keyhole Cichlids
4 Guppies
2 Siamese Algae Eaters
1 Bristlenose
2 Yoyo Loaches
I know this is like a month n bit since the last post, but I wanted to see what you did...

I liked the wood if you could have more plants growing in and around it, they would soften the apparent overwhelming colour of the wood.
Personally I love the wood and think a fine piece of bogwood like that really adds to the over all look of a decent tank. Having said that you could always cut it so that it sits flush against the back of the tank, thereby not wasting any space and making it look slightly less conspicuous. With most of my pieces of wood I also try and plant over them using plants like anubias and java fern, some mosses would also work really well against the dark brown of the wood.

Try keep us updated on this tank :good:
Thats a really nice Tank, especially it being your first, good job :good:
you shouldnt have any regrets mate, your tank looks good.
Lots of spare room to expand decor with plants and such.
Nice job :)
I think it looks great!

My first tank was a complete cheesy disaster with blue gravel and horrible ornaments (i did inherit all of this with the tank btw!!)

Im getting there with my new one though!!
I like it a lot looks 10x better then my first tank. I love the Keyholes too.

Only thing I would do would be add some small plants too the front like some Dwarf Sag around the wood or dwarf hair grass?
looks spot on mate if the bog wood as a piece
sticking out the back get the wood saw out
and cut it down mind you i would take a good
look it makes a great of the centerpiece of the

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