My First Tank


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2007
Reaction score
Sunny Scunny
i've had this tank for a few months now, and i'm currently planning a new tank (180/260litres) while i save up for it. This is my first and current tank. All plants are artificial.

In this tank i have 4 bronze corys, 5 zebra danios, two dwarf gouramis (roy and beatrice) and a male betta (samson)

The tank is 55litres, and as you can see i've still got a slight brown algae problem (im working on it) and very hyperactive danios.

Sorry for the poor quality, and any feedback/hints/criticisms are more than welcome.



My pride and joy...Samson

Looks great! Love your crowntail betta, he's really nice.

btw Diatom algae isn't necessarily a bad thing, it signifies that your system is beginning to stabilize.
yeah i'd read it wasnt a bad thing, the only problem i have with it is that it makes the tank look a bit unsightly. Thanks for your reply, its much appreciated :good:
first off you will probaly have to move your betta into his own tank as gouramis and bettas are both labryniths na dthat means that both the fish will be fighting for the top of the tank also male bettas usually do better by themsleves but other then that you tank looks great
tank looks good :thumbs:
you may have to move samson if there are any bullying starting, some ppl get away with it, hopefully your one of them :)
yeah i'd read somewhere (could have been on here) about keeping gouramis and bettas together (unfortunately i stumbled across this after they were in the tank) so i decided to wait and see if i'd have any problems, and if i needed too, get a seperate tank for the betta. Although they've been living together for a fair few weeks now, and i've had no problems at all. Infact at times i've seen the three of them 'congregating' around the heater. Thanks for the advice and feedback :)
It is somewhat unsightly, but it will eventually disappear on its own.
Very nice tank. I like the gouramis. I have been searching for a month on it but i aint finding. Gr8 tank.
Not only is it suggested that bettas and gourami aren't suitable together its also generally not a good idea to keep male bettas with similarily coloured fish, or so i heard. Nice tank anyway but keep your eye on the betta...
Nice looking tank! The betta is beauuutiful, and if he's good tempered- I doubt you'll have any problems. Good luck!
When i went to my lfs,i asked about Bettas and Gouramis together, He said they would be ok aslong as you have alot of plants because Gouramis like living in plantation! Which should keep them apart! :unsure:
^^ Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. As long as you keep an eye on them, and are obviously prepared to separate them if any bullying does does occur, I wouldn't worry about it. Very nice looking tank by the way. :nod:
yeah theres a nice little tank at my LFS which im ready to buy if i have any problems. Although i've seen no problems at all, and they do appear to be getting along fine. Thanks for all the feedback guys.

p.s. i've re'arranged the tank today, an extra plant at the back, taken the log thing out and put like a 'bell' item in. And theres two rams in there too now (cant remember what type).

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