3 amano shrimps
9 Cardinal Tetras
6 red fin tetras
4 Ottos
Its a 125l rio. Been running it for 3 months. Doing IE dosing.
Im addicted to this hobby now. ALready picked out the tank im going to be upgrading to as soon as i have funds. THere is a few problems with this tank so far. once they are sorted and i can keep this tank in balance a 450l discus tank is on the way .
Here is a close up of the Alternanthera reineckii ''roseafolia'' ('Pink')
Cant get any more detail that that as i only have a cheep camera. I am assuming people like george farmer have something better than a £30 cam from currys to take his pictures.
I have been reading the topic above on how to take pics but im having trouble getting some pics of the fish.