My First Tank Pics!


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
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Hi, this is my first tank. I messed up and now it's cycling again, I just cleared some ich and finrot they all seem healthy now, i've been doing 50% water changes daily till the cycling is done. They eat plants, frozen blood worms, flakes and frozen veggies, occasional finger.

30 gallon tank
A 5-15 gallon filter+
A 60 gallon filter with bio wheel
The heater is 150 watts I think.
A piece of wood I found

unknown potted plant
some bushy stuff

1 albino cory
1 green cory
1 unknown cory
1 tiger barb
1 albino tiger barb
1 tinfoil barb
1 Gold gourami
1 three spot gourami (blue)
1 Blue Paradise Fish
1 Dwarf gourami
1 Blood Parrot Hybrid
3 ghost shrimp??? (I think my parrot ate them all)

Just thought i'd share my tank see what you guys think. If your wondering everyone gets along fine, the parrot doesn't bother anyone even though he's 10x bigger than the rest. The tinfoil barb doesn't bother a soul either, no fin nipping. The only ones that fight are the dwarf gourami and the paradise fish but I think they are getting along better now, the paradise and the gold one will also fight sometimes but I think it's just play fighting or practice. I've been trying to find some ground cover, something that will look like grass and cover the whole floor but I can't find any anywhere, where do I get some? Would a nursery have something like that? Also, what lily are good? I want some type of plant that will grow on the surface on side of the tank, to make a darker area of the tank.

It's a nice picture, but I'm worried you're going to have some problems. Everyone may seem to be getting along now, but you've got what could become real stocking issues. Additionally, some health problems are brought on by stress, and I think your stocking issues could cause some stress.

Some things that jumped out at me --

Blood Parrots are cichlids. They should be kept with other cichlids.
Corrys prefer to be in groups of 5-6 of their own kind; you've got one each of three different kinds.
Ditto for barbs, I think.
You may also be overstocked. The one-inch-per-gallon guideline pertains to the fish size when it's fully grown; your pushing it... And I think 30 gallons is the absolute minimum that's recomended for a blood parrot anyway, as they can get up to 8 inches, think.

Sorry; I know this isn't what you wanted to hear!
It's a nice picture, but I'm worried you're going to have some problems. Everyone may seem to be getting along now, but you've got what could become real stocking issues. Additionally, some health problems are brought on by stress, and I think your stocking issues could cause some stress.

Some things that jumped out at me --

Blood Parrots are cichlids. They should be kept with other cichlids.
Corrys prefer to be in groups of 5-6 of their own kind; you've got one each of three different kinds.
Ditto for barbs, I think.
You may also be overstocked. The one-inch-per-gallon guideline pertains to the fish size when it's fully grown; your pushing it... And I think 30 gallons is the absolute minimum that's recomended for a blood parrot anyway, as they can get up to 8 inches, think.

Sorry; I know this isn't what you wanted to hear!

The blood parrot is a peaceful cichlid, it really is, by the time the tinfoil and the parrot get big enough I will have a bigger tank and the smaller guys will stay in there. The corys get along fine, 2 of them even swim around with the others sometimes, plus they eat like kings, they are happy :). I did have 3 tiger barbs (the albino is the same as the regular I think, just a color difference) but the green one died of finrot, they actually hang out with the tinfoil barb now, they don't nip and seem pretty content. The ONLY one that showed signs of stress was the dwarf, but he's doing better now.

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