My First Planted!


Oct 13, 2009
Reaction score
Boston Area
So this will be my very first planted tank. I am making it into a planted from an established tank.
The equipment is as follows:
50 watt heater
full spectrum 15 watt light
1 whisper 5-15(probably to be replaced for Christmas)
No CO2
Some ferts(what do you recommend?)

5 Black Skirt Tetras
1 Betta
1 platy(only very temporary-long story)

Java moss(small atm)
I am hoping to add some anubias nana, and maybe some java fern later on.

Any tips or constructive criticism is accepted. Will get pics soon!
I did a quick rescape today. Can anyone suggest any good background plants that don't require ferts,CO2, and can live in low light?

Here is the whole tank:

And here is a clump of java moss
Wow, that would look great, drooping over the top of the tank! Yes that is what I will do. I understand that it will take a lot of trimming though? Not that it is a problem, but with the java moss and the val, I am going to have lots of little plants :lol:.
for ferts i would suggest dosing a liquid fertilizer such as seachem flourish or tpn
you must also dose macro ferts which are potassium nitrate and phosphate

for your size tank, a fermentation co2 kit would be best
, such as the nutrafin co2
you could also dose a liquid co2 such as easycarbo or seachem excel

i am excited to watch the progress!!

read up in the pinned articles for getting started for more info

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