My First Nano


Fish Crazy
Aug 16, 2007
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what i will be getting is about 3kg of live rock to begin with, they say they only have crushed coral for the tank bed is that ok..
3KG of live rock?

That's basically just a pebble!

What are you planning for tank size / setup / stock etc?

I would go with aragonite sand over crused coral.
it will most probably just a 20-30 liter tank, want to stock say 3-4 fish 2 clowns and others..i have a 100 watt heater and a 900l/h filter and getting live rock and crushed coral to start the cyclingits a starter fish tank the ones u buy with heater and filter and stuff all ready i have one here i upgraded to a 3 feet tropical wich i have quite a while now
it will most probably just a 20-30 liter tank, want to stock say 3-4 fish 2 clowns and others..i have a 100 watt heater and a 900l/h filter and getting live rock and crushed coral to start the cyclingits a starter fish tank the ones u buy with heater and filter and stuff all ready i have one here i upgraded to a 3 feet tropical wich i have quite a while now


You need to do some research on the subject and some serious reading.

A 20-30 litre tank is way too small for the vast majority of fish, even those considered suitable for nanos and certainly for 3-4 of them.

Ideally you should be aiming for 1.25-1.5 lb per gallon, which for a tank that size is around 4.5 - 5kg.
i wouldnt add any clowns in a tank that size (5-8 US gallon tank), actually if it were me i wouldnt add any fish but you could try a small goby, make sure you research
The 20G long is generally thought of as the ideal size for a nano.

Have a read through the stickies at the top of the topic list.
get the biggest one you can fit/afford, then we can help you with stocking.

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