My First Fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
I got my first fish today out of excitement i probably should of waited but i had a good chat with the guy and he had knowledge.

he recommended me zebra danios which looked much prettier than they did in the book, also he threw in two Pink Tailed Corydornas which looked sweet. (he knew what state my tank as in and i told him the resutls of the test which he asked for) anyway got them home and the danios seem to be doing fine but the corydornas jsut seem to be swimming everywhere (they are bottom feeders) is it normal for them?

P.S i know that coryodornas should be in at least 3 but did not know this until i looked them up

also should i get them some algae waffers?
Hey and welcome to the hobby!!
Yeah you would better get more of those little guys they like to be in groups.
Yeah if you can get waffers and sinking pellets.
Good luck with the fish :good:
I would try and wait it out...they shouldn't get too lonely in a week. :)
Corys need a tank that has been stable for three months...Is the tank cycled and stable?
Hi, and welcome to the forum. Cories are omnivors, so if you do buy them algi pellets make sure you supplement them with something elts. They will eat any food that sinks. I feed mine Hikari pellets. Don't worry about thier manic behavior. They are usually like that for the first little while. They will settle down. I think it's o.k. if you wate a week or two to get them new mates. You don't want to overload your new filter. If you don't already, you should get a hood for your tank. Corries have an organ that allows them to get some of thier oxygen from the air. They will enthosiasticaly race up to the serface and they might accidentally jup out.
Corydoras are omnivores, not herbivores. They will need a well balanced sinking food and not just an algae wafer. Although the cories look better and are more active in larger groups, they can be kept in good health in ones and twos. At oner time that is how all cories were kept and many led long and useful lives. In recent years, the last 20 or 30, we have learned that larger groups work better but your cories will be fine until your tank has a chance to stabilize after the cycle is complete. I have never heard of a pink tailed cory but shops seem to call them whatever they want. It is one reason that the more experienced fishkeepers end up calling things by their scientific name. It removes some of the confusion over what fish we are talking about.
Corydoras are omnivores, not herbivores. They will need a well balanced sinking food and not just an algae wafer. Although the cories look better and are more active in larger groups, they can be kept in good health in ones and twos. At oner time that is how all cories were kept and many led long and useful lives. In recent years, the last 20 or 30, we have learned that larger groups work better but your cories will be fine until your tank has a chance to stabilize after the cycle is complete. I have never heard of a pink tailed cory but shops seem to call them whatever they want. It is one reason that the more experienced fishkeepers end up calling things by their scientific name. It removes some of the confusion over what fish we are talking about.

heres a glimpse of one of them, hard to take a picture of :(

open thumbnail to enlarge
Dyed albinos I suspect... :( If I am wrong and they aren't dyed, I want some!

[Edit] They are, in fact, dyed...they also sell blue, green, red, and yellow-tailed Cories. *sigh*
Many dyed fish die during this stressful, painful, process and those that do survive often are susceptible to disease. For example, one source reports a 30% increase in diseases such as Lymphocystis, Ichthyophthirius and finrot in painted aquarium populations compared to unpainted populations, possibly due to infection by dirty syringes. In addition, fishes injected with dye often die without apparent external disease symptoms, presumably due to kidney disease caused by injection.

Dyed Fish Wiki Entry

And the color is not even fades away after 6-9 months.
I cringe every time I see these at the LFS.

yeah those ones look really stupid and looks like the fish went through alot of pain for something stupid like that.

by the way what does LFS stand for? :/
LFS = local fish shop or local fish store

Poor dyed fish :\ Those with the smiles on them are absolutely horrid looking D: Why would anyone want that...
Those with the smiles on them are absolutely horrid looking D: Why would anyone want that...

Yeah, I agree. For me, the whole point of having aquariums is so that I can keep my own little piece of nature in my home. If I wanted arts and crafts, I'd take up painting or macramé.

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