My First Cory

black angel

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Sep 7, 2004
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On sunday i got 3 sterbai and they are quite happy in my 16 gallon while i quarantine them for my 55 gallon. Im hoping these are going to be the first group and slowly build up.

Im beginning to wonder if they can actually go in the 55 gallon after all. Already resident are 5 Kribensis males all at various ages and though they arent aggressive with each other they dont really tolerate any other fish in the same swimming area.
Does anyone know if I will have problems as they both stay on the bottom?

I have a 34 gallon if I cant put them in the 55.
Im beginning to wonder if they can actually go in the 55 gallon after all. Already resident are 5 Kribensis males all at various ages and though they arent aggressive with each other they dont really tolerate any other fish in the same swimming area.
Does anyone know if I will have problems as they both stay on the bottom?

55 is of course a nice size. On the other hand, one problem with corys is that they really don't understand about territories at all. Like a 2-year-old or a big soppy boxer dog, they go bumbling all over the place and don't seem to realise that there are places where they are not welcome. And unlike the 2-year-old, they are totally incapable of standing up for themselves. Don't know what other more experienced members will say, but this might be a potential problem.
hi black angel,welcome to the wonderful world of corys!!!

IMHO i personaly wouldnt keep any type of cory in with any fish that could potentionaly bully them.cory are very peaceful community fish that will get easily stressed by any agressive behavour towards them and could become ill from the stress of it all.

i use to keep goldfish in with my corys & the cory use to stay hidden alot of the time.since putting the goldies in my brother in laws pond (it was you who helped talk me into moving them as i was only playing with the idea,if i remeber rightly,lol) the corys are out & about constantly & they spawn nearly every other see your cory at there full potential i think they need to feel totaly unthreatened.

what fish have you got in your 34G tank?

this is just my opinion & to be honest iv never kept Kribensis so i dont know there behaviour.maybe someone will come along with knowledge of boh Kribensis & corys & answer your question better.

shaz :)
Well im stuck then. I have the male kribs *6* in the 55 and the females *5* in the 34 and 4 black widow tetras. Looks like they have to stay in the 16 then.

Will have to try and re home the kribs then.

Thanks :)
i had the goldies & 5 pepper cory in my 15G (uk),after the goldies went i got 7 white clouds with them & thats where they started spawning every other sons now got the tank & at the weekend when weve cloned it he will have white clouds & cory in as long as you give them a few caves,some plants & plenty of open substrate theyd be fine in your 16G.

maybe it would be worth putting a coupe of small caves in your 55G that the kribs cant get in to & putting the cory in to see how it might find that the kribs just ignore them cus there so small & peaceful,or the cory will learn to stay out of the kribs way.just keep an eye on them & if the kribs do get a bit agressive then move the cory.

like i said,iv never personaly had kribs & you know your own fish best.would the kribs attack the cory or would they just chase them out of the way?

all i can say is that cory are so peaceful its unbelievable & i dont think theyd be able to defend themselves if they got if you do try them with the kribs just keep a careful watch on might also be worth rearranging the tank before you add them (if you decide to try it) so the kribs have to establish there territorary again.

just some suggestions. :)
Thanks flumpit for the suggestions.
There is one male krib who wont tolerate anyone invading his small territory so they might get nipped. Ive decided for now to keep them in the 16 gallon as one of them has started barrel rolling and now refusing to eat, so i might just have 2 left.

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