My first betta


Oct 29, 2004
Reaction score
Today I got my first long awaited betta - just a VT but with beautiful turquoise/purple/red markings and a black head (is that called masked?) I am dead chuffed :wub: His name is Zorro.

I have been reading up on how to keep him happy and healthy, but wondered if there was anything that I could keep with him in a 5 gallon (UK) tank. There is a gravel substrate, with live plants and a wee bit of bogwood.

Any suggestions/advice are most welcome
Wowzwer, 5g? He'll be in hog heaven! Sounds like your setup is good, you want to have a heater for him. In a tank that big I would also recommend a filter - corner sponge or a mini (like whisper mini, azoo, palm, something like that.)

In a tank that size you could also have a school of dwarf/pygmy cories. :hey: Or divide it and get another betta... :whistle:
He sounds lovely :wub:

Any chance of a pic of him?

My males are by themselves as they tended to bully the cory I put in with them :/
The tank already has a heater and a filter - poor baby would freeze in Scotland this time of the year :blink:

I would love to post a pic - I got a new digital camera for Christmas - but I am a complete numpty with it so far :S Any advice on how to post a pic here would be great and I'll do my best to oblige - anything to show off my wee huny :*)
Hehe! Can't wait for pictures of the little is a great hosting site. The instructions of the digi cam should tell how to upload from there.
Betta's get along well with Cory's. Have seen two Betta + Panda Cory set-ups. A lot of people say 5G is too small for Cory's though.
I'll give that site a go - thx for the tip, Sandusky. I am completely useless with stuff like that, so fingers crossed.

Cories need to be kept in groups so my tank would be too small for them, I think. Maybe I'll leave Zorro to be the King of his castle :nod:

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