My First Betta!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2010
Reaction score
Hull UK
saw him in the shop today and just couldnt resist, i have added a pic i have taken and one of which is very similar to my fish as i could not get a decent pic of him!



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You've got a veil tail and that photo is a halfmoon (I think)

Beautiful fish, welcome to the betta world :good:
looks like my first betta, little lighter though

bettas are sick fish absolutely love them, have 2 now

thing i like is if they are at the back of the tank and you go to look they will normally steam towards you to look back, and i dunno why they just make me laugh some of the stuff they do :lol:
Yeah, they are funny little things. My very first female, who i;ve only had a week, follows my finger on the tank glass, she is very adorable.

My male VT is always up and greeting too x
well unfortunately we have taken him back today, he had a run in with one of my mollies, hes a black sailfin molly and thinks he owns the tank, he was nipping at his fins so i thought it best to remove the betta. such a shame though as he was a lovely fish and would have loved to have kept him.
Oh no! Bettas don't tend to get along with mollies and other fish like that, too many tails floating about lol
i was quite mad because i am new with fish and my pet store reassured me he will be fine with my mollies! never know what to believe!
dont listen to pet stores, they will tell you anything to make a sale, last time i brought a female betta they tried to make me buy a male so she 'wouldn't get lonely'.

best advice is to come here and ask any questions before you buy :)
this was from pets at home so probably why! i usually use another shop that are very good so will just stick to them in future
same shop that told me that then :lol: they get some nice fish in near me but advice is rock bottom, i love how they make you fill out those forms now, you can tell them anything and still get what you want :rolleyes:
One LFS told me that red tailed sharks and a male betta would live happy together...............go figure :blink:

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