My first Betta...with picture!


Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Probably on the bus to Brock U.


*Begins to understand the Betta craze...*

DB :fish:
Congrats there DB. He looks like a pretty pastel blue, like one of my firsts. Yeah, beware the craze of the bettas. I went from 1 last summer, now I have, way too many.......NOT :p

Hope you enjoy him.
:rofl: They're not all named after liquor, I have Tinkerbell!
Though I haven't named the rescue yet, since I don't know if Krista will want him back or not.. He's looking kinda like a Daquiri to me..

Just you wait.. you're gonna regret passing up that divided tank I had, cos you're eventually going to have a desk covered in them like I do! :lol: Welcome to the world of bettas.. MBS [Multiple Betta Syndrome] is about to set in. :D :thumbs:

Pssh, you told the forum what you named him before me! :sly:
*Begins to understand the Betta craze...*

There is no understanding the betta craze. Firts they occupy a small bowl in your room. Than you move them into a tank, than you get them a brother, than you think... one of each tail type is cool, than you realize that life is lonely without a few girls to spice things up.

Son... you are doomed :lol:

Admins: We really need and evil laughter emoticon.
Just resign yourself to filling a shelving unit with Bettas, I thankfully Went Cold Turkey and Have restricted Myself to 4.

2 In Bowls
2 Imbellis in the Tank. They Love Swimming Around Together In and Out of the Plants and Snoozing in the Broad Leaves of Plants.
Great betta love the colour.
It's gotten worse..

We left at 3 this afternoon to go check out the LFS, and he left with a female betta. After an hour of debating.
His second day and he's already got two! :lol:

It gets even worse..
We decided to check out Superpet just in case they had anything good.. as I've seen nice double-tails there before. We walk in and lo and behold, they have a stack of about 20 crowntails! :hyper: REAL crowntails! So we both left with one, how could we resist at $8 each? They're so beautiful..

We didn't get home til after 8. Over 5 hours for 3 bettas and a cory. :D

Once I wake Dan up I'll get him to take some pictures of his new bettas.. he fell asleep when I started setting up the new bowl for mine, so I'm going to have to poke him. :D

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