I got the Hex 5 today, washed it up and just in case found my largest vase and washed it out too.
Then I went shopping
I got 2 very pretty boys, 2 bags of plants and a 10 usg w/o a hood, etc., just in case.
They have both eaten some soaked freeze dried daphnia and blood worms that I had prepared for my goldies.
I planted the Hex 5 w/some of what I could get--a bunch of anacharis and wisteria for the marble (?) turqouise and purple boy. And I put a bunch of anacharis in the vase too until I deside which way to go with the pink and lavender boy.
It occurs to me that the vase boy might like to room in a pygmy gourami tank with three honeys and some sparklers. Would that work?
sounds good, except for the betta in the gourami tank, dwarfs userally arnt as aggressive, but they might rip up a betta, he's best left in his vase for now. if u think he's cramped u can always go to liek walmart and buy a storage tub, punch some holes and u got and instant betta paradise.
Thanks, Guppy Dude Just thought I'd ask. I thought honeys abd sparklers were considered pygmies. They are alot smaller than dwarfs.
Well here are pics of the lavender vase boy and the turqouise boy
I had to shoot in the dark and couldn't see what I was aimimg at The turqouise boy is really much prettier that the pic. I missed the flares and mostly got the flee from the crazy god with the spotlight.
I really have two unused 10 usg tanks. One is for quarantine. I actually thought they might get along. I guess a female or two would work?
I love the colours on your veiltails! Particularly the lavender/blue one. WOWSERS! Thanks for sharing them.
If we go by the one inch of fish per 1 gallon rule, Majestic, my mature pink/red/turquoise male just barely fits his 5 gallon. He sure rules it! Even the snails aren't safe!
You can always divide one of the 10 gallons in half with a divider of plastic canvas cut to size(buy at any craft store). That way they've both got tons of room. Cute guys for sure!
I like Lavender Vase boy too. He has one of those baby faces. The green one has the pointed nose with the under bite look. But he has a pretty tail and they both flare readily.
I was surprised at how many had very damaged fins. Lavender Vase boy had a brother that I actually liked better, but he had a big half moon bit out of his tail fin. There were a couple that I considered only to find that there fins were ragged. I thought about rescuing them, but most of the shredded boys didn't flare as well.
Do the bettas eat snails? I was thinking of putting some trumpets in their tanks to clean.
Oh yeah I picked up a divider screen when I got the extra 10 usg tank.