My Female Jaguar Chiclid


New Member
Aug 14, 2008
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Female Jaguar Cichlid Video I Made After Giving Her Tanks A Good Cleaning.
She's About 14" Long.
6 Years Old
The lighter spot on her head is from when she was about 3 inches long, She had a rock cave in her tank and got spooked, trying to go back to her cave to fast she hit her head on the edge of the cave, it took some scales off and they seemed to have never grown back..
She has always been Healthy and never has been sick with anything.
She has been solo since she was 5" since she tries to kill any other fish I put in with her.. I set her tank in front of a large mirror to give her some company :)








ya, jags can be quite aggressive as some other members on TFF have learned. Is it in a 55G right now? It might appreciate an upgrade to a 75G US just to give some more depth in the tank for turning... just a suggestion

Ox :good:
ya, jags can be quite aggressive as some other members on TFF have learned. Is it in a 55G right now? It might appreciate an upgrade to a 75G US just to give some more depth in the tank for turning... just a suggestion

Ox :good:

Details on my aquarium setups are listed in my sig below: 75gallon - Emperor 400: Jaguar Cichlid
Thanks :rolleyes:

She is for sale atm, but I haven't got any takers for her yet. Trying to sell her locally only to a good home.
I have big plans for my 75 gallon but I can't do anything with her in it.
I can't house her with any fish and I can't have plants in the tank, I can't even keep the gravel level lol
I love my fish but shes getting boring, and it takes up alot of room for just 1 fish. :(
sorry bud... didnt look at the sig... my fault. Looks like a nice fish and if I had a multi hundred gallon tank to mix her with other large cichlids, I would of been interested as that is nice fish

Ox :good:
oh yes shes a real beauty, my boy brutis is going crazy, he loves american women :lol:

my boy is all alone as hes suddenly decided he doesnt want any flat mates :sly:

thanks for sharing, worth the wait

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