My female in with my guppies?

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Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
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Nor Cal

I am just curious, I have 3 guppies and 2 females (very calm females--I wouldn't put my fiesty ones in there :no: ). Can they be in a ten gallon together? Probably no, huh? Just looking for opinions, experiences? I don't want to try it and stress them out just to learn if it will work or not. Just curious.....
Seems like it would be ok to me. But that is about all I would put in there.

Are all the guppies male or female? If you have a mix then you are going to get babies, and those are either going to get eaten by Mom and Dad and Betta Aunties or they are going to survive and increase your bioload.
Yeah, my guppies eat their young, I've already had 3 spawns. I saved babies from two and the other occured when I wasn't there.
It sounds like you already know it probably won't work, and I would never actually recommend combining those fish to anyone... but if you really want to give it a go, I don't think trying it would hurt. I'd just watch them very, very closely for a while and split them up the second you see any fighting or split fins. The two females being together would be the biggest potential problem. I've heard of female bettas being kept with guppies without problems before though, so maybe you could have just one of the females in with them :)
Thank you very much! I think I may just try that with one of my females. I had put the mud guppy in one of the 3 split parts of my 5 gal as temp and he jumped the divider and wont leave Twinkie alone. Funny thing is, when he swims away, she gets mating bars and swims after him!! I think she'd do fine with the guppies. But I'll be sure to keep a close eye.
The 'mating bars' are also signs of stress. My advice, don't put it with a female betta unless it is another female betta, and even then, use caution!
OrkyBetta said:
The 'mating bars' are also signs of stress.
No, those would be 'stress bars' ;)
Mating bars can also be a sign of aggression.
Really? I didn't know that. Oh well, I decided anyway to keep her safe by herself. I just got her about 2 weeks ago, so I don't know her personality altogether yet.

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