My Female Guppy Released Her First Fry!


Fish Crazy
Jan 7, 2008
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my female guppy finally released her first fry . . .

but sadly it didn't survive and that's depressing to me . . .

i feel sad at the moment . . .

how long does it take til she releases the next one?

this time i wanna be ready for the fry
wow she only had just 1 fry, that is odd!
if she is still pregnant i'd expect more, unless if she is very young or they rest got eat'n

post some pics if you can it helps us determin if she is pregnant still :D
she's still pretty big . . . so pretty much pregnant :rolleyes:

so she won't release for another few weeks? that's insane :unsure:

yea, it's odd that she only had 1 single fry :blink:
i bet she had more they just got eat'n, she will probably drop in the next few days if she is still big.
Its not very often it happens unless she gets disturbed but she may have started having them and then stopped, if this is the case, she will drop the rest in the next day or two.. keep a eye on her, once she is fully slimmed out again, expect the next lot, 4-6 weeks, as above said, more the 4 week end :)

Sorry you lost the fry :(
thanks alot for the responses :good:

now i'm checking on her every 30 minutes and stuff . . .

i'm like paranoid and whatnot :lol:
lol, i think we all been through taht stage lol, one day it will come to a stage where you wont stop finding them lol, thats when the fun starts :)

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