My Female Green Terror


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2009
Reaction score
Shropshire, UK
Thought I'd share a photo of my female GT Maud.
Green Terror (2).jpg
She's a beauty, just curious, do you have any tankmates with her?
Interesting, I have two very aggressive male convict cichlids that I needed to be separated so I went out and bought another tank. Now they just seem lonely, I've been looking around and some say oscars would work well with convicts. Would you agree?
It all depends on the tank size really, a single oscar on its own with nothing else is going to need to be housed in a 55g. When adding other fish there is lots to be considered do you have the space, the filtration capacity, the temperament of the fish as larger Cichlids can be a real handful. My tank works because they are in 6ftx2ftx2ft and they have plenty of space.A good way to start keeping Oscar is getting a 75g - 90g and having a shoaling fish like Silver Dollars or Giant danios and one of the convicts which should work in a tank that size IMO. The real key to having sucess keeping them would be by doing as much research on the fish as you can.
I've kept Convicts and Oscars together. I had mine in a 75 gallon tank. The Oscar was 14 inches long! Tonym is right in saying tank size will help determine how much they tolerate each other. Cichlids are tough sometimes.
So I guess where to go from here would be to get a bigger tank. Thanks for the input guys. :p
I think its a female as she tried to pair off with a geophagus brasiliense which was a male.

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