My Female Cat Is Acting Weird,desperate For Advice?


Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2011
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Hi ,i`ve got 2 male cats and a female [all neutered],the female one [who is just over a year old] was introduced 10 months ago to the household ,where the 2 males had been together for 3 years,after a few hisses and growls she was excepted,more by the white cat who mothered her by licking and cleaning her ,they even slept together.
Now all of a sudden the female is stalking the other two,and causing fights,she`s also weeing in the house ,any ideas,as we`ll have to get rid of her if we can`t solve the problem?
So why do cats urinate or defecate on your bed or carpet? Medical problems are one possibility. Inflammation of the urinary tract may cause painful or frequent urination, inability to urinate, bloody urine, and crying during urination. An affected cat is likely to eliminate outside the litter box if he comes to associate the box with painful urination, or if he has an increased urgency to urinate. In addition, kidney, liver, and thyroid diseases often lead to increased drinking and urination. Inflammation of the colon or rectum, intestinal tract tumors, intestinal parasites, and other gastrointestinal conditions may cause painful defecation, increased frequency or urgency to defecate, and decreased control of defecation.
may be worth getting your cat checked over by a vet. they will also give you contact details for a cat behaviourist who might be able to pin point your problem. i dont really know much about cats, sorry
just a thought, my sister rescued a male cat whose owner had it locked in a cupboard with a broken jaw. she got him 'done' aswell but he continued to wee all over the house for a month or so while his hormones settled, after that, no more problem. could it possibly be a change in hormone levels for your cat, is she becoming an adult. is she spayed? if not that might help.
How many litter trays have you provided for the three cats? Often territory disputes can stop a cat that was "house trained" to start peeing and pooping all over the place. I would still take her to the vet and rule out any other medical issues that may have caused the change in behaviour.

Also has there been any other new additions to the household? Even a long term visitor as cats can get very miffed at any changes to the routines around their homes.

Good luck with sorting the problem out.
Hi ,i`ve got 2 male cats and a female [all neutered],the female one [who is just over a year old] was introduced 10 months ago to the household ,where the 2 males had been together for 3 years,after a few hisses and growls she was excepted,more by the white cat who mothered her by licking and cleaning her ,they even slept together.
Now all of a sudden the female is stalking the other two,and causing fights,she`s also weeing in the house ,any ideas,as we`ll have to get rid of her if we can`t solve the problem?

There are a few things you can do:
1 Take her to the vet and get a check up. Cats who can't pass urine properly will go anywhere they get the urge. If all is fine then try the following:
2 Get a secondary litter pan-male cat urine is very strong and some females don't like sharing the same litter pan
3 Make sure the pans are clean at all times
4 Don't get mad at her and scold her. If she does it right in front of you, pick her up and put her in the litter pan. Try to remove the urine smell completely or she'll keep going there.

Does she pee in the pan at all? Is she pooping in the pan? Another thing with females cats is they will usually become the matriarch of the house and can get pretty rotten with males in their territory. But, lashing out can also be a sign of sickness too so a vet trip should be the number one priority at this point.
Agree first step is rule out any medical problems. After that, increasing litter trays is a good step - the guideline is 1 per cat plus 1 extra, and keep them scrupulously clean by using clumping litter, and a weak bleach solution to clean every time you remove something. Examine whether they are getting along. I had a cat who basically couldn't handle being with other cats, despite having grown up with one of them, so we rehomed her to a single lady, and now she's happy as Larry. Also, examine the food you're feeding her, and whether anything environmental has changed, even something subtle. Cats are masters of subtle. And her food could be causing her bother - if she's on kibble move her onto wet meat, or raw if possible. You can try to discourage her by using eucalyptus oil in that area as they don't like the smell but if you don't find the root cause she'll just pee elsewhere instead. Ultimately, if you can't make her happy, rehomed her to someone who can.
Hi ,everyone ,thanks for all the replies ,the weeing was a reaction to stalking one of the older males that went wrong when he turned and she got a shock ,since then she`s gone in these stalking moods where she bullies the other two males and growls at them with her ears down,but she hasn`t weed again.It `s really weird behjaviour as we`ve had her since last year and this one male has mothered her ,even licking her for minutes at a time and sleeping with her .the males are reslly confused and don`t know what`s going on ,especially since some timesshe reverts back to normal ,and allows herslf to be licked again by this one male.This strange behaviour has been ongoing for about three nights ,and if she hadn`t been spayed ,i`d swear she was in season.
Again, please get her checked by the vet to rule out any medical problems. Something is affecting her; she may be in pain from something that isn't visible and she's just lashing out because of it. Good luck, Maisy, and please let us know what happens.
I went out in our garden late last night and saw a black cat [not ours] prowling on the fence ,and i`ve got a theory about why our female cat is growling and hissing at the males.Our cats aren`t normally put out at night but she wouldn`t come in until the early hours a few nights ago ,and i think that this cat has tried to mate her ,and that`s why she`s being funny with the males ,hopefully, she seems to be getting better.
I went out in our garden late last night and saw a black cat [not ours] prowling on the fence ,and i`ve got a theory about why our female cat is growling and hissing at the males.Our cats aren`t normally put out at night but she wouldn`t come in until the early hours a few nights ago ,and i think that this cat has tried to mate her ,and that`s why she`s being funny with the males ,hopefully, she seems to be getting better.

Assuming that her urinating is due to her anger over a cat trying to "mate her" as you say is just assuming...and without having a cat behaviour expert assess her, you can't know for sure. I personally feel that you should take her to the vet if it happens again. The thing with cats is they can have something very wrong with them before a person gets the inclination to take them to the vet. Cats can be in extreme pain before you can tell something is amiss, they are very good at hiding it. We are all suggesting to you that you take her to the vet. Why? Because you asked us for advice and we are being honest with you. We don't want your kitty to have something wrong with her as I'm sure you don't either but hoping the problem will go away, won't make it go away. So keep a close eye on her and take her in if the problem persists.

Good luck maisy, hope she is alright
Thanks for your concern ,but at the moment she`s eating her dinner with the male cat,that she went against,so she seems alright now ,if i have any worries about her i won`t hesitate in taking her to the vets,as i do care for my animals,but she seems to have accepted him again ,so all is well ,.She only weed the once,and this hasn`t happened since the incident 3 nights ago .Will report if there are any more changes..
Glad to hear it :good: it's always so stressful when our animal friends act out of character.
Not sure about how to solve the stalking issue. But for the weeing, maybe she feels challenged by the fact she's outnumbered or the fact there is another cat among her family.

I saw on Animal Planet on TV, you should have one litter box per cat in the house. Maybe more than that. More litter boxes=more happiness in cats. I guess it's because of the convenience of more litter boxes.

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