My Featherfin Syno


Fish Addict
May 31, 2006
Reaction score
Kent UK
ok so the syno i so definately identified as something else is turning out to be a featherfin syno (sorry to all those who told me he was and i told you he wasn't) Anyway he has a beautiful finage comnig up but is growing like nobodys business. He was about 1.5-2 inches when I adopted him a couple of months ago and now he's easily four inches plus. I have a juvenile still with his stripes who I've had for a month longer but he's not growing at all maybe put on half an inch if that since I've had him. If hey're both featherfins how come one is growing so fast and the other is barely growing at all?
I'll try and get some pictures at feeding times but he's a bit skittish.
I have always found S.Eupterus to be very slow growers, my 2 are 3-4" and i've had them for nearly 3 years. They were babies when i got them though.
well i thought the one thats turning out to be a feathering fin was an S.artemus(sp?) but he looks exactly like a featherfin with the top fin and markings and has just shot up
This is what he was like


And now he's at least twice the size. The other one's still a juvy and taking ages to grow which i guess is normal
Ok pictures of him now and the juvvy i own.
The juvvy

My big fella difficult to get pics

These two you can see his top fin

The pic titled "the juvvy" isn't a Eupterus but the other guy certainly looks like one. Maybe he just eats a lot. :lol:
Thats cool so what is he then if not a featherfin he looked exactly like the pics on planet catfish when i first got him.
That he does always golfball belly where he's pigged out!
I'm thinking its a Synodontis flavitaeniatus.......see what you think

Planet Catfish
no he doesnt really look like that planet catfish wont load so I google imaged it and he looks like none of them he's not that bright or patterned that way
Thats what he looked like when he was first bought I just figured he was growing out of his pattern
Try this:

Synodontis robertsi

That pic in your last post won't load by the way, says no hot-linking.
That could be the one though not sure about the huge eys will have to check later!! Thanks
ok i checked it out and although the markings are similar hehas beedy little black eyes so i dont think its that either. Guess I'll just have to see what he grows up like really.
Any chance of some more pics from different angles? that may help. :)
i have a 7" one i got for a tenner at maidenhead lol. but iknow the guys who work there so they gave me abit off. they look really nice when they are bigger :)
yeah i know i have a five inch one whos beautiful at the moment. Only one of my fish who can fit a whole algae wafer in his mouth and run off with it!
that looked exactly like mine when i first got he lloks like the other 1 u have pictured

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