My Feather Duster


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2005
Reaction score
Essex - UK
Has now been inside the tube for over 2 weeks now.

In my book it says to cut the top off and in a couple of weeks it may appear again? what shall I do?

Also when I got it I planteed it into the sand, is that the right thing to do?

It's my 3rd one now and I love them but cant keep loosing them (well think I am) like this :(

Any help would be much appreciated guys :good:
I lost power over the summer for almost 12 days and my feather duster didn't come out for about 2 weeks, I thought he was dead but I guess I was lucky. maybe squirt a little phyto in his tube. I'm not sure what that will do, but was just a thought.


I will get some of that tonight if so, do you know the full name of it?
i think they can be dormant for quite some time if they're not happy then one day just re-appear.

we got our tank as a mature set up and he didn't say anything about there being one in there, the tank was in a state and it was only a few months after we got it when it was getting sorted we saw it pop out of some LR, been in and out ever since.

so i think you need to look at why it's not coming out, what are your water stats like?
can you give some tank specs?

The crown (feathry bit) could have been eaten or could have droped off in witch case it should grow back very slowley?

Might not like the fow in the tank?

Might not like the temp?
All the stats are pretty much perfect to be honest and the water flow is very good.

I can't tell if the feather have gone or not or it's dead or not as it hasn't been out in about a week now or maybe even longer. On 1 of the tubes though this long thing has flopped out and then back in which was rather strange!

Also I forgot to add the temps around 27 but drops to around 25/26 at night (with light off)
They meen actual results not "its perfect" also the flow maby in gph or something. Well the ones at my LFS take ages to grow back. I also thought they will go dormant until conditions are as they like. As you have lost a few i may be your water.
Probably not a conicicence that this happened so soon after you Anemonne was injured - How is it doing
Probably not a conicicence that this happened so soon after you Anemonne was injured - How is it doing

Anemonne is doing really good mate, settled down nicely and looking great!

I will probably take it back though as my dad got it for me and i don't beleive the common clowns will house it.
Betta5's got it> if you could post actual spec and reading that would help.

I have about 6 or 7 tube worms myself can you tell what type you have?


is/was it like these?
Superb pic Matt!

Yeah same as that although one of them did have thicker feathers!

On my way home tonight I managed to get some stuff called "marine snow" guys in LFS said it's the best stuff to feed them, not cheap though at £20!

I have also taken them out of the sand and planted then on the side of some LR, not sure if it will help or not.

One 1 of the tubes I felt a little bit of life but on the other nothing!

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