My Favorite Plant


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
Hudson, Wisconsin USA



You have to guess what it is ;) . I doubt it will take long though. I'm very happy with how well this stuff is growing. Started off with a small portion from Aquaticmagic about 7ish months ago. Now I've almost finished carpeting my 20gal with it. I tweeked the lighting in my quarintine tank, so I can use it to propogate this stuff. Its a very interesting plant.
it is a nice plant but i find it hard to put it into a scape with contrasting to much with the other plants, it stands out too much!
At a first glance i thought u were over run with algae lol.
Pellia (Monosolenium tenerum) is really really close. This is Round Pellia aka, Süßwassertang aka, (Lomariopsis lineata). Süßwassertang is the most common name I see it under. I don't have the weird ü and ß on my keyboard so I normally use the less common name, round pellia :rolleyes:. I've tried regular pellia and didn't like it. Way too brittle and I couldn't get it to grow all it did was make a mess of my tank. This stuff is no where near as fragil as Pellia. It has a very similar structure and grows the same way pellia does. It has a almost plastic feel to it and is a lighter green.
It's lovely. I have some but mine looks really scrappy and hardly grows :blush: but it's just me very poor with any plants :lol:

How have you attached yours?
Most of it is just pushed into the gravel or into holes in the wood or between large rocks. It doesn't really seem to care. It does not root and I've only been succesfull getting it to attach to wood. It grows the same where ever it is. I found that its best to start with small peices, the one in the pic above is about 2" across. It should eventually look like a little bush. If its not growing I would suspect not enough ferts in the water.

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