My Fahaka Wont Eat After Moving Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 9, 2007
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HI All,

Its been a while since my last post... I am getting divorced so ive been a bit all over the place!!

Well.. My Fahaka is nearly 1year old now and recently I had to move the Tank from my old house to my new house... its been a week and in that time he has only eaten 1 apple snale.... nothing else... he is not interested in anything.....

Could it be down to the water change as its new water he is in?

here are some pics...




and these are from about 9 months ago!



I think it might be due to the water change like you said.

That happened to a friend of mine who had to do a tank change and the fish didnt eat for a good week.

Test the water and see what it comes back as.

He might jst be a bit shocked at the move.
My father had a Fahaka... anytime he was really stressed, he would hang out it one spot. Perhaps he was resting, but he usually didn't show any interest in food for 4 or 5 days. Hope you figure it out soon.
that fahaka has sure come a long way. have you tested the water yet?

Tested the water today and the only thing that is worrying is me is the PH level... its high!.. so high its off my testing chart.

This is a first for me... not sure what to do... I put 2 crayfish in the tank and he just stares at them....
gotta bring it down surely. water change? or a buffer? maybe its the water at your new place even
that fahaka has sure come a long way. have you tested the water yet?

Tested the water today and the only thing that is worrying is me is the PH level... its high!.. so high its off my testing chart.

This is a first for me... not sure what to do... I put 2 crayfish in the tank and he just stares at them....

I'd get a second test, and probably a large water change.

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