Addicted and in Therapy
This morning when I woke up, I looked in my 5 gallon tank and found my dwarf gourami laying on his side barely breathing. I'm starting to wonder if something is wrong in that tank considering the mysterious cherry barb death and now this. I netted the sick boy, and stuck him in my other tank, still in the net, on the other side of the divider I'm using for my fry. I was sure he'd be dead when I got home - but it's been about 3 hours and he's still breathing - though barely. Anyone have any ideas on what could have caused this, or on what I should do for him, if anything can be done? I'm really baffled about the tank - ammonia and nitrites are at 0, and nitrates are in the safe zone. I don't know what can be killing them.
On a bit happier note, I took a trip to a lfs to pick up some more food and a thermometer, and ended up bringing home some new guys. I was planning on picking up 2 panda corys, but I decided on just one instead to replace the sick one, and then I grabbed an African Dwarf Frog. They're just so cute, and I hafta have something to use up all those frozen bloodworm on! Also - I took the advice of many of you (especially smb hehe), and grabbed a bag of filter floss. I decided I didn't wanna spend my money on all these expensive cartridges that include carbon, especially if it's unncessary. So ta da!
On a bit happier note, I took a trip to a lfs to pick up some more food and a thermometer, and ended up bringing home some new guys. I was planning on picking up 2 panda corys, but I decided on just one instead to replace the sick one, and then I grabbed an African Dwarf Frog. They're just so cute, and I hafta have something to use up all those frozen bloodworm on! Also - I took the advice of many of you (especially smb hehe), and grabbed a bag of filter floss. I decided I didn't wanna spend my money on all these expensive cartridges that include carbon, especially if it's unncessary. So ta da!