My Ebay Experiance


New Member
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Southern California
This is my first time buying a used tank. And Buying it on ebay. First thing you need to know about buying tanks on ebay is that they need to live close to you. Like within a short driving trip. Yea i guess some tanks could be shiped but if its around 55 gal, people wont ship it. So i started my search for tanks in my area and i found 2. One witch was in Torrence California Witch was a 100 gallon with alright filters and a nice beach wood stand witch dose match my room. The second tank i found was a 100 gallon 5 1/2 long tank witch had 2 eclipse 3 tops and a eheim 2229 and it came with every thing fish and all. It was in San Diego California and it had 8 days left on the auction. Well i am a very impacent person. The first thing i did was i ebay msged them. The guy in san diego e-mailed me back right away. When i talked with him on the phone he made a point in sticking to his buy it now price on ebay witch was 450$ witch is still an awsome deal. I told him i would think about it and call him back. I offerd 400 just for the hell of it. Well 10 minutes later I called him back and told him i was driving down to him with the cash. The man must have been straped for cash becuase thats when he told me he would help me move for 100$. I told him i dident need his help, that i would be bring some friends. ( atleast 3 people for moving a 100 gallon down 3 flights of stairs). When i arived i saw the tank. In my opinion it wasent lookin to good the insides that decor wise. But the filters and the tank itself and the fish were all in awsome condition. There was a large piece of drit wood that made the water a ugly yellow. Well i handed him the cash and we started loading up the suburban. The tank took up the hole back fromt he back of the driver seat to the back window. Some one had to sid INSIDE the stand on the way back. I brought only 2 buckets and we had one filled with graven and we filled the other one with 50 gallons worth of fish, ( he dident have maney fish for the tank size) i told him he can keep the drift wood in memory of his tank and off i went home. I kept all the water in theeheim 2229 to try to keep the bacterria in it so my tank could cycle alot faster. I also had alot of other eclipse 3's in my house that i echanged filers in to help cycle faster. I found the best way to cycel a tank is to use used filter's. They condition the water with good bacteria. I also added some cycle solution . I wated about 3 hours from when the fish were put in the pucket till the fish wiere in the tank. I cyceld the water for about 1`and a half hours. First thing i realy noticed that was rong was. The ehiem was going realy slow. I posted something on that in the hardware forum. Nobody knew what was rong i evean e-mail eheim. They were realy quick and gave me alot of information. Mabie too much I dont think i skiped over it but what the problkum was. Is that thers a pre filter over the intake and it was realy cloged. After cleaning it for about 10 minutes of squishing and rinsing the filter worked awsome. I also changed the lioghting and i still dont know if its enuf at 2 power glows and the 2 eclipse bulbs. It full of plants and lava rocks that i took from a grow tank of my friend. He puts lava rock and grows like a good type of moss of them under water and they looks realy cool and i am now trainging some of my live plants to the rock might be about 5 moths befor i can untie them. Fish are all doing good. The arowana dident eat the first 2 days but he eats alot know. He was trained not to eat like the other fish or soemhting becuase i got smal tiger barbs in there and he doent mess with them he only like the dried krill not the frozen krill ether. I'll keep you updated ont eh condition of the fish, I wish i could have cycled it for a few days but its been 5 days and so far so good.

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