My Dwarf Puffs...


Eternally pruned fingers!
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Swinging London, UK.
Thought you mihgt appreciate a few pics of my oddballs









Cigar anyone?


I just love these guys...prob the best fish I've ever had 8)
Very nice pics. DP's are a great fish, such personality (well all Puffers for fact). How many do you have and what size tank? I like to see people keeping them in groups, I believe there much better off this way.
i think dwarf puffers are gorgeous - if only i had the room for a tank big enough for them, oh well, guess i'll have to make do with looking at everyone elses pics!


Hi Jennybugs

Great pictures of your Puffs. I've seen your posts in the other forum. Nice to see you here :D
Thanks for the comments :D

My DP tank is not a huge one...55L...and I did have 4 to start off, but sadly one of them died from IPs before I could get the meds into it :(

They are named and the boss is Shirty, then there's Chubs for obvious reasons, and Squishy (think Nemo :lol: ). One of them has a stripe under it's belly, with a very yellow stripe top and bottom of his tail. I think that's Shirty. As for the other two, not sure yet. I keep looking for wrinkles behind the eyes :lol:

They love their worm feeder...





definately more tempting if a tank that size is suitable - will have to look into their care a bit more! my own fault for joining here i guess, fish are addictive!

i think its just the lighting, but from the pics your puffers look sick

as i said, i think this may be due to the lighting of your tank or maybe the camera

they arent very colorful from the pics
I can assure you they aren't sick! I used flash settings so that may make them look washed out? :blink: Personally, compared to others I have seen, my guys look really flushed with colour in natural light. They do change colour with their moods, which I expect you do know.
Just seen pics of your tank and puffs...nice set up. My puffs spots get darker like yours as well. They're like chameleons at times or cuttle fish :lol:
In my experience, their spots become more obvious if they are under threat or stressed. Normally the calmer puffs are more.... how do I put it :rolleyes: ..... dull? washed out? Especially when they go to sleep, they turn more camouflaged.
In my experience, their spots become more obvious if they are under threat or stressed. Normally the calmer puffs are more.... how do I put it :rolleyes: ..... dull? washed out? Especially when they go to sleep, they turn more camouflaged.
Yep, the calmer they are, the paler they are. That's possibly why they appear so pale in my pics...they've just eaten :lol:
Puffers change colour regularly, whether for camoflauge, stress, happiness, playing etc..

Mine change colour when i approach *mebe hes feeding me so ill put on a colour show* then when i go away it changes again, at night again it changes and dependant on substrate it changes again..they look nice enough :D
Is that C Irrubesco in your avatar? The Red Tailed Red Eyes are groovy! I tried those guys but the LFS unknowingly gave me two males so I had to take them back to the shop when they beat each other up so bad in the bag on the way home that they were near death :blink: :unsure: They bit holes in the bag and everything! Next time I try them, there will be the correct ratio of males and females! :crazy:

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