My Dwarf Petrocola Synos


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
The dwarf pets are working out to be the best tank mates that I have had with the Sorority girls.

They are really stunning, I think:




These kids have been dancing daily like this since I put them in this set up.

It is a tall 25 usg SystemII type acrylic. There are 8 pets, 5 female Betta, and 2 albino juvie LF BN Plecs. Although they seemed happy in the 10 usg they were in from fry, they did not do the dance.
I am jealous :( gourgeous...I want some petricola's...but cannot fit them in my tanks NOR afford them... Nice fishies!
These are dwarfs. They are now about 2 " or less. About the same size as the girlies w/o fins. I got them a year ago Feb. as almost fry from Hawaii where they were bred. They were around $75 w/shipping. But I doubt they can be shipped to Australia.
I suppose you can't get shipments from Hawaii? I think these are one of the nicer purchases I have made. Really delightful little creatures. Maybe I will make an effort to breed them some day. It sounds like a major project though.
they look good.we still gotta find out whats goin on with them cuz to me they dont look like alot of the dwarfs.hmmm
Have at it. When you know for sure let me know too. Post the picts at PlanetCatfish and ask.
Have at it. When you know for sure let me know too. Post the picts at PlanetCatfish and ask.

oh ill do some more research in the hunt but not now as im at my camp with slow dial up so it would take forever. planet catfish though wasnt much help for me iding mine so good luck
ah.thats the best one icould hinkof and find a pic of.the pics i find on PC must be a bi older than ur current ones.
I didn't really understand your last post, fishfishfish. But you do know that Planet Catfish is a forum where you can post a pic and a specialist will Id your fish? Which is what I have done.

I posted again in PlanetCatfish. The mod said that there are no reports of hybrid C. lucipinnus being bred in captivity. Tank bred dwarf pets by hobbyist are most likely not hybrids, I was told.

What makes you think that all these Synos are hybrids? I think it is much more likely that my pets have been bred w/o an infusion of new blood to strengthen their line. Nevertheless, these are a very healthy and vital stock. Not at all nervous or lethargic. In a year and a half, they have had no issues, although I have changed their pH twice now, and they were shipped as fry up and down the Western sea board for days--all seven survived the ordeal.

AquaBid is filled with auctions of pets and dwarf pets. I just don't think all the hobbyists are hybridizing their stock. The supplier that I got these from has a long and excellent record in the hobby and on AquaBid--and offered me my money back if they were not dwarf pets.

I see that you have told several people that their fish are hybrids. I wonder if it is so?

I don't know that much about the hobby in the UK or about Synos and crossbreeding them. But what would you cross breed a dwarf with that would keep it small and not increase it's size. It is much easier to breed w/in a species than across species lines in most cases. Why would anyone bother? They are not even that easy to breed. One must do it deliberately in most cases, I believe.

Dwarf pets are a little costly and not usually an lps stock. So again it is less likely that anyone would hybridize them.

Remember these are still only near 2". They will grow more, I assume. Then the spots will separate just as they have already done since I got them. when they looked more like stripes than spots.

I just got a second post on my question of whether these are hybrids: "These are good looking specimens of C. lucipinnus." I was told.
I got another post from a PlanetCatfish member who picked up a group of these dwarf pets from the same batch. He picked them up in person. He saw Darryl Tsutsui's set up. Darryl was selling the cats for a friend. They were tank bred and raised by a member of the local Hawaiian aquarium society and are exactly what he told me they are.

I have bought lots of fish online and had them shipped. I have done business with many sellers on Aquabid. Darryl Tsutsui is the best I have had experience with in all respects.

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