my dwarf gourami situation


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I have 4 dwarf gouramis in a 42 gallon,they've been in there about 2 weeks ,at 1st they were a little nippy but now all they do is peck at each other and "argue" over caves when there's more than enough for everybody
I've read some info on them and all I've heard is bad stuff about their tempermant, they seem to really enjoy themselves though and I watch them "start fights" with each other for no reason, is this typical gourami behavior or should I take the most obnoxious one back?
I was told dwarf gouramis are territorial to their own kind. I have 2 in a 55 gallon tank. At first the bigger one drove the smaller one away. Neither of them has ever chased any of the other fish, but can't seem to tolerate each other. They moved to opposite ends of the tank and everything seems to be fine now.
When you say four do you mean four males?? Ive heard that this is very normal for the males, especially when the is a female to fight over!! Could try adding more females????

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