My Dream Tank


Fish Crazy
May 26, 2009
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Everyone must have a dream tank which would house all the fish they love.

Mine would include:

Powder blue tang
Yellow tang
Kole tang
Emperor angelfish
Dwarf angelfish
shoal of anthias
Bluecheek blenny
Algae blenny
2-3 Fairy wrasse.

Not sure if it would even be possible for all of these to go together but it would be a wonderful sight.

What size of tank would be needed for these or a combination of tangs and angels?

Would love to hear comments on my dream tank or what others would have in theirs.
perfectly do-able. Hardest fish to keep is the powder blue. I think that set up would looks great in something like a 6x3x3 or 7 foot length. would reccomend keeping a powder blue in less than a 6 footer though
perfectly do-able. Hardest fish to keep is the powder blue. I think that set up would looks great in something like a 6x3x3 or 7 foot length. wouldNT reccomend keeping a powder blue in less than a 6 footer though

Would agree with the above. If you drop the emperor angel and powered blue then a good size 5ft tank would be ok (6ft would be better).
My dream tank???... now let's see???
My dream tank is the ocean just without all the fishing and everything!

Alessa x.
I would love a tank with a colony of yellow headed jawfish. :D
it doesn't really need to be that big, those are small fish, they just need surface area.
A 36x36x18 would be great and that's about 100 gallons i think.
Add in a school of anthias, and maybe a wrasse, and it's perfect.

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